The Nasivvik Centre for Inuit Health and Changing Environments has awarded Joshua Gladstone, a 3ci Research Assistant, with a 2015 Nasivvik Strategic Grant!

The Nasivvik Strategic Grants Initiative supports the development, conduction and completion of research projects, the communication and publication of research results, and the creation of educational materials where the focus is on Inuit environment and health issues and where the research is conducted in collaboration with an Inuit community and/or organization.

Applicants can apply to the Strategic Grants Initiative under one of the following three priority areas:

  • Priority 1 : Seed funding / Research planning grant (Awards up to $10,000)
  • Priority 2 : Student project completion (Awards up to $5,000)
  • Priority 3 : Research results communication, publication and development of educational materials (Awards up to $5,000)

Congratulations Joshua Gladstone for receiving a 2015 Nasivvik Strategic Grant!