The UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment initiative has led to around a third of the world’s financial assets being managed with a commitment to invest in a way that considers environmental, social or governance (ESG) criteria. The responsible investment trend has increased dramatically since the global financial crisis yet understanding of this field remains at an early stage.
Edited by Tessa Hebb, James Hawley, Andreas Hoepner, Agnes Neher, David Wood, this handbook provides an atlas of current practice in the field of responsible investment. With a large global team of expert contributors, the book explores the impact of responsible investment on key financial actors ranging from mainstream asset managers to religious organizations.
Offering students and researchers a comprehensive introduction to current scholarship and international structures in the expanding discipline of responsible investment, this handbook is vital reading across the fields of finance, economics and accounting.
The Routledge Handbook will be released for sale this August, 2015. To pre-order the Handbook today, visit Routledge’s website.