The Campfire Project, a national-storytelling project to celebrate Canada’s upcoming 150th anniversary has won a 2015 Carleton University Research Centre award for $25,000.

The project is lead by 3ci research associate Leanne Clare and will pilot and measure online storytelling techniques as a medium for Web-based engagement. Unlocking the power of digital storytelling to catalyze meaningful social change remains a challenge for organizations and researchers.

The Campfire Project aims to create a community of practice and lessons learned on how to engage citizens through stories to create a meaningful online dialogue.  The project will examine what compels people to engage online, how they engage and whether those activities can lead to greater civic participation both on and offline.

Leanne was enrolled in the first cohort of the Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership Program when she approached the Carleton Centre for Community Innovation with a proposal to create The Campfire Project.  Since that time, Leanne has been developing partnerships, refining the project’s activities and research objectives as well as developing funding proposals. In November 2014, Leanne became the first student to graduate with a Graduate Diploma in Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership.

Funding from the CURC grant will help develop the research methodology and digital strategy for the project; recruitment of a Canada-wide network of partners; as well as further development of the project’s digital platform.

Campfire is actively seeking partners to join the project.  To find out more, visit  You can also follow the project on Twitter @Campfire150.