Rebuilding First Nations Governance (RFNG) is a national alliance of First Nation communities and Tribal Councils, academic researchers and public sector practitioners created to support First Nations leadership and rights holders that have made the decision to transition out from under the Indian Act to their own inherent rights governance. This 6 year applied action research project is supported by a $2.5M SSHRC Partnership Grant.

RFNG will:

  • Develop a transitional inherent rights governance model and tools to guide and inspire First Nations
  • Build a deeper understanding of the impact of the Indian Act and the reasons for its persistence
  • Create a Nation Re-Building Action Network through which First Nations will document and share knowledge and experience.
  • Contribute to the necessary Canada-wide dialogue on implementation of Indigenous jurisdiction and Section 35 of the Constitution Act
  • Contribute to a growing body of Indigenous scholarship and help form the basis for new programs and curriculum in academia across the country
  • Train and mentor students, particularly Indigenous students, and citizens of First Nation communities to conduct transformative research, gain meaningful experience working amongst the people in the community.

Please see here for the project’s new website and additional information:  Rebuilding First Nations Governance

For more information contact:  Frances Abele  and Catherine MacQuarrie