Photo of Heather Hachigian

Heather Hachigian

Research Associate

Heather Hachigian received her doctorate from the Smith School of Enterprise and Environment at the University of Oxford in 2015. She has published articles in the Journal of Business Ethics, Business and Politics and the Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment. She has also co-authored book chapters for publications including the Routledge Handbook of Responsible Investment and Socially Responsible Investment in the 21st Century. She has served as a guest editor of the Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment. She is currently a research associate at the Carleton Centre for Community Innovation. Heather contributes to research projects related to responsible investment and social finance. Her research interests include the governance of public institutional investors and shareholder engagement on executive compensation and board diversity.


Hachigian, H. (2015). Ambiguity, Discretion and Ethics in Norway’s Sovereign Wealth Fund, Business and Politics.

Hachigian, H. (2015) Responsible Investment in the Netherlands, in Jim Hawley, Tessa Hebb, Andreas Hoepner, Agnes Neher (eds). Handbook of Responsible Investment. Routledge.

Clark, G.L., Hachigian, H., McGill, S., Molinari, C., and Wojcik, D. (2015). Addressing the Challenges of Transformation though Sustainable Investment, in Jim Hawley, Tessa Hebb, Andreas Hoepner, Agnes Neher (eds). Handbook of Responsible Investment. Routledge.

Hebb, T.. Louche, C., and Hachigian, H. (2014) Introduction, in Celine Louche, C. and Tessa Hebb (eds.) Socially Responsible Investment in the 21st Century: Does it Make a Difference for Society, United Kingdom: Emerald Books.

Hachigian, H. and McGill, S. (2013). Reframing the Governance Challenge for Sustainable Investing. Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment, 2(3-4), 166-177.

Hebb, T., Hachigian, H., and Allen, R. (2012). Measuring the Impact of Engagement, in Hebb, T. (ed.), The Next Generation of Responsible Investment, Netherlands: Springer Publishing.

Hebb, T., Hamilton A., and Hachigian H. (2011). Responsible Property Investment in Canada, Factoring both Environmental and Social Impacts in the Canadian Real Estate Market. Journal of Business Ethics. 92(1), 99-115.