Tessa Hebb
Distinguished Research Fellow
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Dr. Hebb is a Distinguished Research Fellow with the Carleton Centre for Community Innovation, Carleton University, Canada. Her research focuses on Responsible Investment and Impact Investing. It is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Government of Canada. The Carleton Centre for Community Innovation is a leading knowledge producer on these topics together with non-profit and philanthropic leadership, northern communities and community economic development. Dr. Hebb received her Doctorate from Oxford University.
Dr. Hebb is a member of the steering committees of the UN- backed PRI Academic Network, the Heartland Network, Canadian Business Ethics Research Network, the Canadian Social Investment Organization and the Impact Investing Policy Collaborative. She lead a four year research project on US Public Sector Pension Fund Investment in Urban Revitalization based at Harvard University and funded by the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations (2004-2008). She is a frequent guest speaker on responsible investment issues in both Canada and the US. She has published many books and articles on responsible investing and impact investing policies including the volumes Working Capital: the Power of Labor’s Pensions; No Small Change: Pension Fund Corporate Engagement; and The Next Generation of Responsible Investing.
Hebb T. section ed. (2018) Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics, Poff D. ed., Springer, London.
Hebb, T., Hoepner A., Hawley J., Neher A., and Woods D. eds. (2015) Routledge Handbook on Responsible Investing, Routledge, London.
Louche, C. and Hebb T. eds., (forthcoming) Socially Responsible Investing in the 21st Century: Does it Make a Difference for Society, Emerald Press.
Hebb T. Ed. (2012), The Next Generation of Responsible Investing, Springer Publishing, Netherlands.
Hebb Tessa., (2008) No Small Change: Pension Funds and Corporate Engagement, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York.
Fung A, Hebb T, Rogers J, Eds, 2001, Working Capital: The Power of Labor’s Pensions ILR Press Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York.
Journal Articles
Showers J. and Hebb T.. (2023) “Do Companies Really Care? Strategic Philanthropy and Imagine Canada’s Caring Company Program”. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research.
Busch, T., Bruce-Clark, P., Derwall, J. Hebb T. et al. (2021) “Impact investments: a call for (re)orientation” SN Bus Econ 1, 33 https://doi.org/10.1007/s43546-020-00033-6
Majoch, A., Hoepner, A.G.F., and Hebb, T., (2017) “Sources of Stakeholder Salience in the Responsible Investment Movement: Why Do Investors Sign the Principles for Responsible Investment?” Journal of Business Ethics. February 2017, Volume 140, Issue 4, pp 723–741
Hebb T. and Sharma R,. (2014) New Finance for America’s Cities, Regional Studies, 48, (3) 485-501.
Hebb T. (2014) Three Points of Leverage for Responsible Investing, European Financial Review, April/May 2014.
Hebb T. Guest Editor and Introduction: (2013) Impact Investing, Special Edition Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investing, 3 (2).
Allen, Rupert, Letourneau, Hugues and Tessa Hebb, (2012) “Shareholder Engagement in the Extractive Sector” Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investing. 1 (4).
Huppe G. and Hebb T. (2011) The Virtue of CalPERS Emerging Markets Principles, Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment, 1, 1 62-76.
Hebb, T., Hamilton A., and Hachigian H., (2010)“Responsible Property Investment in Canada, Journal of Business Ethics, 92, sup 1. 99-115.
Madill J., Brouard F., and Hebb T. (2010) Canadian Social Enterprises: An Empirical Exploration of Social Transformation, Financial Self Sufficiency and Innovation ,Journal of NonProfit and Public Sector Marketing. 22(2): 135-151.
Philips S., and Hebb T. (2010) Financing the Civil Society, Policy and Society, 29, 3, 181-187.
Hebb T., Beeferman L., (2009) “US Pension Funds’ Labour-Friendly Investments”, Journal of Comparative Social Welfare 25 2
Hebb T. (2009) “Engaging Institutional Investors in Social Finance” Making Waves. 20 3.
Clark, G.L., Salo, J., Hebb, T. (2008), “Shareholder activism in the public spotlight: social investors’ resolutions at US corporate annual general meetings, 2001-2004”, Environment and Planning A, vol. 40 pp. 1370-1390
Hagerman L., Clark G. and Hebb T. (2007) Investment Intermediaries in Economic Development: Linking Public Pension Funds to Urban Revitalization. Community Development Investment Review, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 3(1).
Steiger A., Hebb T., and Hagerman L (2007) Linking Investors to Economic Development. Bridges, Community Affairs Department of Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Summer 2007.
Hebb T., (2006) The Economic Inefficiency of Secrecy. Journal of Business Ethics 63 385-405.
Hebb, T., Wójcik, D. (2005) Global standards and emerging markets: the institutional investment value chain and CalPERS’ investment strategy. Environment and Planning A 37 1955-1974
Clark, G. L., Hebb., T; (2005) “Why do they care? The market for corporate global responsibility and the role of institutional investors.” Environment and Planning A 37 2015-2031
Clark G L, Hebb T, 2004, “Corporate Engagement: The fifth stage of capitalism.” Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations 59142-170.
Hebb T., (2002) Emerging Trends in Corporate Engagement by Public Pension Funds. Conference proceedings of the International Foundation for Employee Benefits Annual Canadian Conference. Halifax, July 2002, Madison WI. 2002.
Book Chapters
Hebb T. and Erobo, S. (forthcoming) “Philanthrocapitalism in Canada, Ten Years On”, in Handbook on Philanthrocapitalism, S. Haydon, T. Jung, and D. Russell Eds. Edward Elgar,
Harji K. and Hebb T. (2021) “Impact Investing in Canada: Notes from the Field” in Intersections and Innovations: Change for Canada’s Voluntary and Nonprofit Sector, Phillips S. and Wyatt B. eds, Muttart Foundation, Edmonton.
Hebb T. (2019) Investing in Sustainable Infrastructure, in Challenges in Managing Sustainable Business: Reporting, Taxation, Ethics and Governance, Arvidsson S. ed., Palgrave Macmillan, London.
Hebb T., Hoepner A., Rodionova T. and Sanchez I. (2018) Power and Shareholder Saliency in Business strategies for sustainability: A research anthology, Borland H., Lindgreen A., Vanhamme J.,Maon F., Ambrosini V., Palacios-Florencio B. eds. Routledge, London.
Hebb T. (2018) Socially Responsible Investment and Corporate Engagement in Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics, Poff D. ed., Springer, London.
Sengupta, R., Hebb T. and Mustafa H. (2018) Seeking Greener Pastures, in Designing a Sustainable Financial System, Walker T., Kibsey S. Crichton R. eds., Palgrave, London.
Hebb T. (2016) Building the Market for Impact, in Routledge Companion to Philanthropy, Harrow, J., Jung, T., Phillips, S., eds., Routledge Press, London.
Hebb T., Hachigian H., and Allen R.(2015) “Impact of Corporate Engagement in Canada”, in Hebb, T., Hoepner A., Hawley J., Neher A. and Woods D. eds. Routledge Handbook of Responsible Investment, Routledge, London.
Hebb, T., Hoepner A., Hawley J., Neher A., and Woods D. (2015) “Introduction” Routledge Handbook on Responsible Investing, Routledge, London.
Hebb T., Louche C. (2014) The Future of Socially Responsible Investing Louche, C. and Hebb T. eds., Socially Responsible Investing in the 21st Century: Does it Make a Difference for Society, Emerald Press.
Hebb T. (forthcoming) Building the Market for Impact, in Routledge Companion to Philanthropy, Harrow, J., Jung, T., Phillips, S., eds., Routledge Press, London.
Hebb T and Zanglein J. (2013) Economically Targeted Investing, In Handbook Of Institutional Investment And Fiduciary Duty, Hawley J, Hoepner A., Johnson K., et al eds., Cambridge University Press p. 112-127.
Hebb T., Hachigian H., and Allen R.(2012) “Impact of Corporate Engagement in Canada”, in The Next Generation of Responsible Investing, Hebb t. ed., Springer Publishing, Netherlands.
Hebb T., Madill J., and Brouard F., (2012) Exploring Social Transformation, Financial Self Sufficiency and Innovation in Canadian Social Enterprises in Businesses with a Difference: Balancing the Social and Economic, L. Mook, J. Quarter and S. Ryan eds., University of Toronto Press, Toronto.
Hagerman L., Hebb T. (2009) “Balancing Risk and Return in Urban Investing” in co-edited collection Financial Risk Management: From the Global to the Local, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Hebb T., Beeferman L., (2008) “US Pension Funds’ Labour-Friendly Investments”, in The “Social” in Social Security: Market, State and Associations in Retirement Provision, Mark Hyde and John Dixon eds., Edwin Mellen Press, Lampeter, UK.
Manley, K, Hebb T., and Jackson E.T. (2008) Economically Targeted Investing: Financial and Collateral Impacts in Pensions at Work: Socially Responsible Investment of Union-Based Pension Funds, J. Quarter, I. Carmichael and S. Ryan eds., University of Toronto Press, Toronto.
Steiger A., Hebb T., and Hagerman L.(2008) The Case for the Community Partner in Economic Development. In, Fabiani, D. and Buss, T. (eds.) Reengineering Community Development for the 21st Century.
Hebb T. (2007) The Economic Inefficiency of Secrecy: Pension Fund Investors’ Corporate Transparency Concerns in Fundamentals of Corporate Governance VOLUME 4 Stakeholders and Sustainability, Thomas Clarke and Marie dela Rama eds., Sage Publishing, London UK.
Clark G.L. and Hebb T. (2007) Pension Fund Corporate Engagement: The Fifth Stage of Capitalism In Fundamentals of Corporate Governance VOLUME 4 Stakeholders and Sustainability, Thomas Clarke and Marie dela Rama eds., Sage Publishing, London UK.
Clark, G.L., T. Hebb and D. Wójcik (2007) Institutional investors and the language of finance: the global metrics of market performance. Chapter 2 in, J. Godfrey and K. Chalmers (eds.) Globalisation of Accounting Standards. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. pp. 15-33.
Hebb T. (2004) Secrets, Lies and Economic Inefficiency, in Financial Services and Public Policy, Christopher Waddell, Ed., Conference Proceedings, Schulich School of Business, April 22-24 2004.
Hebb, T. (2001) Introduction,Working Capital: The Power of Labor’s Pensions (ILR Press Cornell University Press, Ithaca.
Hebb T., Mackenzie D., (2001) Canadian Labour Sponsored Investment Funds: a model for US economically targeted investment. Working Capital: The Power of Labor’s Pensions (ILR Press Cornell University Press, Ithaca. Role: Primary author.
Working Papers
Hebb, T. (2014). Sustainable Infrastructure and the Canadian Impact Infrastructure Exchange (CIIX) [Briefing Document], Ottawa, ON, November 18, 2014.
Hebb T. and Drasher P. (2014) “Ecosystem Services Markets and Investments” Altrushare Report, Westport, CT. USA.
Hebb T. and Thacker, R. (2014) Partnerships between not-for-profit organizations and business: Challenges and opportunities for ESDC, Gov. of Canada. Report 14-02, Carleton Centre for Community Innovation, Carleton University.
Hebb, T., Hoepner, A., Rodionova, T., and Sanchez, I. (2014) Power and Shareholder Saliency, 3ci Working Paper WP 14-01, Carleton Centre for Community Innovation, Carleton University, Ottawa (ON), Canada.
Fritsch B., Rossi R., and Hebb T. (2013) An examination of the tension between business and mission among social enterprises, 3ci Working Paper WP 13-07, Carleton Centre for Community Innovation, Carleton University, Ottawa (ON), Canada.
Bhatt B. and Hebb T. (2013) Measuring Social Value: A Social Metrics Primer, Working Paper WP 13-06, Carleton Centre for Community Innovation, Carleton University, Ottawa (ON), Canada.
Hebb T. (2012) The Utilization of Social Finance Instruments by the Not-For-Profit Sector, HRSDC, Gov. of Canada. Working Paper 12- 02, Carleton Centre for Community Innovation, Carleton University.
Diouf D., Hebb T., and Hadji E. (2012) “Exploring factors that influence social retail investors: Evidence from Desjardins Fund” Working Paper, Carleton Centre for Community Innovation, Carleton University, Ottawa (ON), Canada.
Hebb T. (2011) Report on Social Metrics, Key Informant Interviews for HRSDC, Gov. of Canada. Working Paper 11-02, Carleton Centre for Community Innovation, Carleton University.
Hebb T. (2010) “The Role of Institutional Investors in Social Finance” Report to Task Force on Social Finance, MaRS, Report 10- 03, Carleton Centre for Community Innovation, Carleton University.
Brouard F., Hebb T., and Madill J. (2009) “A Typology of Social Enterprise” Working Paper 09-01, Carleton Centre for Community Innovation, Carleton University.
Diouf D., Hebb T., and Hadji E. (2012) “Exploring factors that influence social retail investors: Evidence from Desjardins Fund” Working Paper, Carleton Centre for Community Innovation, Carleton University, Ottawa (ON), Canada.
Harji K and Hebb T. (2010) “Investing for Impact: Issues and Opportunities for Social Finance in Canada”, Working Paper 10-04 Carleton Centre for Community Innovation, Carleton University.
Hebb T. (2010) “The Role of Institutional Investors in Social Finance” Report to Task Force on Social Finance, MaRS, Report 10- 03, Carleton Centre for Community Innovation, Carleton University.
Brouard F., Hebb T., and Madill J. (2009) “A Typology of Social Enterprise” Working Paper 09-01, Carleton Centre for Community Innovation, Carleton University.
Harji K and Hebb T. (2009) “The Quest for Blended Value Returns”, 04Working Paper 09-04, Carleton Centre for Community Innovation, Carleton University.
Hamilton A, Hebb T., Wood D. (2009) “Responsible Property Investing” Report, SHARE, Vancouver B.C.
Hebb T. (2007) CalSTRS Case Study: Diversity as an Investment Framework: CalSTRS Targeted Investment Strategy Working Paper, Oxford University Centre for the Environment http://urban.ouce.ox.ac.uk/research.php
Hagerman L., Clark G. and Hebb T. (2007) Investment Vehicles Case Study: Investment intermediaries in economic development: Linking public pension funds to urban revitalization Working Paper, Oxford University Centre for the Environment, wpg 07-09 http://www.geog.ox.ac.uk/research/transformations/wpapers/wpg07-09.html
Hebb T. (2006) California Case Study A: Private Equity CalPERS’ California Initiative, Working Paper, Oxford University Centre for the Environment, wpg 05-15 http://urban.ouce.ox.ac.uk/research.php
Hebb T. (2006) Pension Funds and Urban Revitalization California Case Study B: Real Estate CalPERS’ California Urban Real Estate Initiative. . Working Paper, Oxford University Centre for the Environment, wpg 06-16 Wpg 05-16 http://urban.ouce.ox.ac.uk/research.php
Hagerman L., Clark G. and Hebb T. (2006) Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management Board: urban investing through a transparent selection process. Working Paper, Oxford University Centre for the Environment, wpg 06-16 http://www.geog.ox.ac.uk/research/transformations/wpapers/wpg06-16.html
Hagerman L., Clark G., and Hebb T. (2005) Pension Funds and Urban Revitalization New York Case Study: Competitive returns and a revitalized New York.
Working Paper, Oxford University Centre for the Environment, wpg 05-13 http://urban.ouce.ox.ac.uk/research.php
Straus K., Clark G.L., Hebb T., and Hagerman L. (2004) U.S. Public Sector Pension Funds and Urban Revitalization: An overview of policy and programs. Working Paper, Oxford University Centre for the Environment, wpg 05-02
Hebb T. Guest Editor: (2013) Impact Investing, Special Edition Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investing (forthcoming).
Hebb T. Guest Editor (2010) The Next Generation of Responsible Investing, Special Edition Journal of Business Ethics, 92, sup 1.
Hebb T. Guest Editor with Phillips S. Financing the Third Sector, Special Edition Policy and Society, 29, 3.
Scholarly Conference Paper Presentations
Hebb T. (2014) “Sustainable Infrastructure Symposium,” Sustainable Infrastructure and Canadian Impact Infrastructure Exchange (CIIX) Symposium, Ottawa, ON, November 18th 2014.
Hebb T. (2014) “Impact Investing: an investment lens”, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, Impact Investment Conference, University of Oxford, June 5th -6th 2014.
Hebb T. (2013) “Power and Shareholder Saliency” UN PRI AN Conference, Paris, November 14th 2013.
Hebb T. (2012) “Impact Investing: Aligning Mission Through New Investment Policies”, Presentation, University of Waterloo, Financial Sectors Impact on Sustainable Finance October 4th 2012.
Hebb T. (2012) “Building the Market for Impact” Association of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, SSH Congress, University of Waterloo, May 31st 2012.
Hebb, T. (2011) Keynote Address, “Mainstreaming Responsible Investing” University of Sydney, Nov. 24.
Hebb, T. and R. Sharma (2011) “New Finance for America’s Cities” UN PRI, Stockholm, Sweden, September 28.
Hebb, T. (2011) Presenter and panelist “Impact of Engagement” UN PRI in Person Meeting, Paris, France Sept. 15.
Allen, R., Letourneau H., and Hebb T (2011) “Shareholder Engagement in the Extractive Sector” CBERN SRI Symposium, UBC Law School, Vancouver BC, Sept 10.
Hebb, T. (2011) “Understanding Impact Investing” Webinar for global audience, UN PRI, May.
Hebb, T. (2011) Presenter and Panelist, “Impact Investing in Canada” Canadian Credit Union Annual Conference, Niagara Falls, ON, May 3.
Hebb T. (2011) Keynote Address, Mainstreaming Responsible Investing, University of Sydney, Nov. 24th 2011.
Hebb T. and Sharma R. (2011) New Finance for America’s Cities. UN PRI, Stockholm, Sweden, September 28th 2011.
Allen R., Letourneau H., and Hebb T (2011) Shareholder Engagement in the Extractive Sector, CBERN SRI Symposium, UBC Law School, Vancouver BC, Sept. 10th 2011
Harji K. and Hebb T. (2010) Investing for Impact: Issues and Opportunities for Social Finance in Canada, Harji and Hebb presented to the ANSER Conference, Montreal, June 2nd 2010.
Hebb T., and Hachigian H. (2010) Impact of Corporate Engagement in Canada, UN PRI Academic Conference, Copenhagen Business school, Copehagen, Denmark, May 8th 2010.
Huppe G. and Hebb T. (2010) The Virtue of CalPERS Emerging Markets Principles. UN PRI Academic Conference, Copenhagen Business school, Copehagen, DM, May 6th 2010.
Hebb T., Hamilton A., Hachigian H. (2009) “Responsible Property Investing in Canada” Conference Presentation, UN PRI Academic Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa, Oct. 1st 2009.
Hebb T. (2009) “Social Finance in Canada”, Conference Presentation, Assoc. for Non-Profit and Social Economy Researchers, Carleton University, Ottawa, May 28th 2009.
Hebb T. (2008) “Pension Funds and Corporate Engagement” Conference Presentation, Maastricht University, Maastricht, ND, Sept. 17th 2008.
Hebb T., Beeferman L.(2008 ) “US Pension Funds’ Labour-Friendly Investments” Conference Presentation, Sloan Industries Studies Conference, Boston, May 1st 2008.
Hebb T. (2007) CalSTRS Case Study: Diversity as an Investment Framework: CalSTRS Targeted Investment Strategy Conference Presentation, New Financing of America’s Cities, Harvard Law School, Dec. 10th 2007.
Hebb T. (2006), Mapping Targeted Pension Fund Investment in Canada, Conference Presentation, Pensions at Work Annual Conference, Toronto, Oct 2006 Canadian Industrial Relations Annual Conference, London Ont., June 4th 2006.
Edward T. Jackson, Hebb T., and Manley K., (2005) Economically Targeted Investment: Financial and Collateral Impacts, Conference Presentation, OISE Pensions at Work Annual Conference, Toronto Oct 2005.
Hebb T. and Kathryn Manley, Pension Fund Investment in Underserved Capital Markets, Conference Presentation, Canadian Industrial Relations Annual Conference, London Ont., June 11th 2005.
Clark, Gordon L., Hebb, Tessa, & Wójcik, Dariusz. (2005). Institutional Investors and the Language of Finance: the Global Metrics of Market Performance. Conference Presentation, Globalization and Accounting Standards project, Monash Univesity, Prato, Italy, May 23rd 2005.
Hebb T., (2005) The Economic Inefficiency of Secrecy, Conference Presentation, McMaster World Congress, Hamilton, January 19th 2005.
Hebb T. and Jamie Salo (2004) Measuring the Impact of Corporate Engagement, OISE Pensions at Work Annual Conference, Winnipeg, Oct 17th 2004.
Hebb T. and Wojcik D., (2004) Global Standards and Emerging Markets: the institutional investment value chain and CalPERS’ investment strategy, Conference Presentation, New School for Social Research, New York, September 10th , 2004.
Clark G.L. and Hebb T. (2004) Why do they care? The market for corporate global responsibility and the role of institutional investors, Conference Presentation, Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin, June 25th 2004.
Clark G.L. and Hebb T., (2004) Why do they care? The market for corporate global responsibility and the role of institutional investors , Conference Presentation, Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, Philadelphia, March 2004.
Hebb T. and Wojcik D., (2004) The Global Institutional Investment Value Chain, Conference Presentation, Judge Institute, Cambridge University, UK, February 2004.
Hebb T. and Wojcik D., (2003) The Global Institutional Investment Value Chain, Conference Presentation, Global Standards Conference, School of Geography, Oxford University, UK, November 21st 2003.
Clark G.L. and Hebb T. (2003) Pension Fund Corporate Engagement in Global Arena, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics Annual Meeting, France, June 2003.
Clark G. L. and Hebb T. (2003) Understanding Pension Fund Corporate Engagement in a Global Arena, Conference Presentation, Equity, Efficiency or Ethics? Corporate Codes of Conduct and the Global Firm, Inter-University Centre on Globalization and Work (CRIMT), May 1st 2003.
Clark G.L. and Hebb T. (2002) Understanding Pension Fund Corporate Engagement in an Global Arena, Conference Presentation, Pension Fund Corporate Engagement, School of Geography, Oxford University, November 24th 2002.
Hebb T. (2002) Pension Fund Trustee Education Requirements, Conference Presentation, Canadian Industrial Relations Annual Conference, Toronto, June 2002.
Hebb T. (2002) Corporate Environmental and Sustainability Reporting, Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto, June 20 2002.
Hebb T. (2001) Leveraging Union Pension Power, Conference Presentation, Canadian Industrial Relations Annual Conference, Quebec City, June 2001.
Hebb T. (2013) ” “Exploring factors that influence social retail investors: Evidence from Desjardins Fund”. Responsible Investing Initiative Webinar, March 26th 2013.
Hebb T. (2013) “Report on Social Metrics – Key Informants Interviews”, Social Finance Connects: Social Metrics, Outcome Evaluation and Social Return on Investment HRSDC & Socialfinance.ca , January 31st 2013.
Hebb T. (2013) The Dollars and Sense of Social Finance, Nonprofit Research Forum Series, Mount Royal University, January 25th 2013.
Industry Conference Presentations
Hebb T. (2014) “Research Insights into the Black Box of Corporate Engagement”, PRI / Bloomberg, NYC, June 26th 2014
Hebb T. (2014) “Partnerships between not-for-profit organizations and business: Challenges and opportunities” ESDC, Gov. of Canada, June 20th 2014.
Hebb T. (2014) “Developing Social and Ethical Finance”, Telfer Business School, University of Ottawa. April 3rd 2014.
Hebb T. and Harji K. (2013) “Building the market for impact” Philanthro-think, School of Public Policy and Administration, Carleton University, Nov. 28th 2013.
Hebb T. (2013) “Building the Market for Impact”, UN PRI AN Conference, Paris, Nov. 13th 2013.
Hebb T. (2013) Impact Investing Policy Collaborative, NESTA Conference on Social Finance, London UK, June 10th and 11th 2013
Hebb T. (2013) “Why Women Should Lead in the Social Finance Sector” Women in Leadership Foundation, May 6th 2013.
Hebb T. (2012) “Measuring Social Value” Measuring Up, Social Finance Forum. Impact Investing Centre, MaRS, Toronto, November 8th 2012
Hebb T. (2012) “Building the Market for Impact” HRSDC, Government of Canada, Gatineau, QC, Sept. 14th 2012.
Hebb T. (2012) “Responsible Investing in Canada: What Does it Mean?” Social Investment Organization Annual Conference, Montreal, QC, June 17th 2012.
Hebb T. (2012) “Responsible Investing in Canada: What Does it Mean?” Canadian Association of University Business Officers (CAUBO) Annual Conference, Montreal, QC, June 16th and 18th 2012.
Hebb T. (2012) “Impact of Engagement” Panelist, Social Investment Forum, Washington DC. May 4th 2012.
Hebb T. (2012) “Supply and Demand of capital in Social Finance” Panel Moderator, Social Finance Conference, HRSDC, Gov. of Canada and Public Policy, Feb. 9th 2012
Hebb T. (2011) Presenter and panelist “Impact Investing Metrics” Impact Investing Centre Conference, Dec. 14th 2011.
Hebb T. (2011) Presenter and panelist “Impact of Engagement” UN PRI in Person Meeting, Paris, France Sept. 15th 2011.
Hebb T. (2011) “Understanding Impact Investing” Webinar for global audience, UN PRI, May 2010.
Hebb T. (2011) Presenter and Panelist, “Impact Investing in Canada”, Canadian Credit Union Annual Conference, Niagara Falls, On, May 3rd 2011.
Hebb T. (2011) Moderator and organizer “Private Capital for Public Good” Symposium, Carleton University, March 2nd 2011.
Hebb T. (2010) Moderator and Presenter “Impact Investing” Phillips Hager and North, Dec. 1st 2010.
Hebb T. (2010) Moderator and organizer, Lessons for Community Finance from the 2008-2009 Financial Crisis, Michael Swack webinar, Dec.2nd 2010.
Hebb T. (2010) Moderator and organizer, Blended Value, Capital Investing and the Pursuit of Multiple Returns, seminar with Jed Emerson, October 14th 2010.
Hebb T. (2010) “Measuring Blended Value Returns” Trillium Foundation, April 28th, 2010
Hebb T. (2010) “Responsible Property Investing in Canada” Webinar for global audience, UN PRI, April 14th 2010.
Hebb T. (2010) “Deepening Democracy: Responsible Investment” at Policy Solutions for a Post-Recovery Canada, Faculty of Public Affairs, Carlton University, April 13th 2010
Hebb T., (2009)”Responsible Investing Initiative” at the Canadian Responsible Investment Conference held in Winnipeg June 7th to 9th 2009
Hebb T. (2008) “Responsible Property Investing: Opportunities and Risks in Green Real Estate” Presentation SRI in the Rockies, Whistler BC, October 28, 2008.
Hebb T. (2008) “Best Practice in Pension Funds’ Proactive Targeted Investing ”. Orange County Employees Retirement System California, October 20, 2008.
Hebb T. (2008) “Ethical Investment for New Development” Presentation to Ontario NonProfit Housing Association Annual Conference, October 17, 2008
Hebb T. “Responsible Investing: Shareholder Value and Shareholders’ Values”. COVE Lecture, Carleton University October 16, 2008,
Hebb T., (2008) New Finance of America’s Cities, Presentation to Inner City Investment Convening, San Francisco Federal Reserve, San Francisco, August 5th 2008.
Hebb T., (2008) CalSTRS Case Study: Diversity as an Investment Framework: CalSTRS Targeted Investment Strategy, Presentation to Plan Sponsors and Minority Managers 5th Annual Consortium, New York, June 12th 2008
Hebb T. (2008) New Finance of America’s Cities, Pension Funds: Investing to Build Strong and Sustainable Communities, Harvard Law School, June 10th 2008
Hebb T., (2008) Responsible Investing, 7th Annual Canada Cup of Investment Managers, Presentation Toronto, June 6th 2008
Hebb T. (2008) CalSTRS Case Study: Diversity as an Investment Framework: CalSTRS Targeted Investment Strategy, Presentation to CalSTRS Board of Trustees, June 5th 2008
Hebb T. (2008) Responsible Investing and Social Finance, Presentation to CCINC Annual Meeting, Teleconference May 28th 2008
Hebb T. (2008) Responsible Investing, Ottawa Community Foundation, Board Meeting, Ottawa, May 20th 2008.
Hebb T. (2007) Economic Impacts on California of Pension Fund Investment, California Investment Conference, Los Angeles, Sept. 19th 2007
Hebb T (2007) Program Related Investments, Program Related Investment in Canada’s Communities, Research Symposium, Carleton University, March 22nd 2007
Hebb T. (2006) Best Practice in Pension Fund Investment in Urban Revitalization, Conference Presentation Regional Roundtable on Pension Fund Targeted Investment, Boston, MA. December 6th 2006.
Hebb T. (2006) Conference presentation, Financial Innovations Roundtable, University of New Hampshire, October 5th 2006.
Hebb T. (2006) Conference panelist, SME Financing Data Initiative, Industry Canada, Ottawa, September 22nd 2006.
Hebb T. (2006) Will Pension Funds Become the Market? Conference presentation, CMSF Australia Global Dialogue 2006, Chicago, July 13th 2006.
Hebb T. (2006) Best Practice in Pension Fund Investment in Urban Revitalization, Conference Presentation Regional Roundtable on Pension Fund Investment in Urban Revitalization, Baltimore, June 7th 2006.
Hebb T. (2006) Best Practice in Pension Fund Investment in Urban Revitalization, Conference Presentation Regional Roundtable on Sustainable Jobs and Urban Revitalization, Pittsburgh PA, June 5th 2006.
Hebb T. (2006) The Case for Domestic Emerging Markets and Managers, Conference Presentation, CalPERS/CalSTRS Expanding Investment Opportunities Through Diversity, San Jose CA, April 24th 2006.
Hebb T. (2006) Global Unions, Global Campaigns, Conference Presentation, Transatlantic Social Dialogue, Industrial and Labor Relations School, Cornell University, Ithaca, May 4th 2006.
Hebb T., (2006) Strategic Role of Workers Capital, Conference Presentation, Global Companies, Global Unions, Global Research, Global Campaigns, CRIMT, Cornell University et al., New York, February 10th 2006.
Hebb T. (2006), Mapping Targeted Pension Fund Investment in Canada, Conference Presentation, Pensions at Work Annual Conference, Toronto, Oct 2006 Canadian Industrial Relations Annual Conference, London Ont., June 4th 2006.
Edward T. Jackson, Hebb T., and Manley K., (2005) Economically Targeted Investment: Financial and Collateral Impacts, Conference Presentation, OISE Pensions at Work Annual Conference, Toronto Oct 2005.
Hebb T. and Kathryn Manley, (2005) Pension Fund Investment in Underserved Capital Markets, Conference Presentation, Canadian Industrial Relations Annual Conference, London Ont., June 11th 2005.
Hebb T. (2005) Disclosure and Transparency in Corporate Governance, Panel Chair, Rating Games Symposium, OUCE Oxford University, November 2005.
Hebb T., (2005) Leveraging Labour’s Pension Power through Corporate Engagement. Canadian Lawyers Conference, UNITE/HERE, Ottawa, November 5th 2005.
Hebb T. (2005) Best Practice in Pension Fund Investment in Urban Revitalization, Conference Presentation Regional Roundtable on Pension Fund Investment in Urban Revitalization, Hartford CT. October 25th 2005.
Hebb T. (2005) Consultation on Double Bottom Line Handbook, Boston, June 2005.
Hebb T., (2005) Conference Presentation, Social Investment Organization Bi-Annual Conference, Toronto, June 14th 2005.
Hebb T., (2005) Corporate Knights Roundtable, Toronto, June 1st 2005.
Clark, Gordon L., Hebb, Tessa, & Wójcik, Dariusz. (2005). Institutional Investors and the Language of Finance: the Global Metrics of Market Performance. Conference Presentation, Globalization and Accounting Standards project, Monash Univesity, Prato, Italy, May 23rd 2005.
Hebb T. (2005) Beyond Public Stockholding: Targeted Investing, Conference Presentation, Capital Matters, Labor and Worklife Program, Harvard Law School, April 29th 2005.
Hebb T., (2005) The Economic Inefficiency of Secrecy, Conference Presentation, McMaster World Congress, Hamilton, January 19th 2005.
Hebb T. (2004) Pension Fund Investment in Urban Revitalization, Conference Presentation, Inner City Economic Forum, New York, November 15th 2004.
Hebb T. and Wojcik D., (2004) The Global Institutional Investment Value Chain, Presentation, Watson Wyatt, Reigate, UK, September 14th 2004.
Hebb T. and Jamie Salo (2004) Measuring the Impact of Corporate Engagement, OISE Pensions at Work Annual Conference, Winnipeg, Oct 17th 2004.
Hebb T. and Wojcik D., (2004) Global Standards and Emerging Markets: the institutional investment value chain and CalPERS’ investment strategy, Conference Presentation, New School for Social Research, New York, September 10th , 2004.
Clark G.L. and Hebb T. (2004) Why do they care? The market for corporate global responsibility and the role of institutional investors, Conference Presentation, Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin, June 25th 2004.
Clark G.L. and Hebb T., (2004) Why do they care? The market for corporate global responsibility and the role of institutional investors , Conference Presentation, Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, Philadelphia, March 2004.
Hebb T. and Wojcik D., (2004) The Global Institutional Investment Value Chain, Conference Presentation, Judge Institute, Cambridge University, UK, February 2004.
Hebb T. and Wojcik D., (2003) The Global Institutional Investment Value Chain, Conference Presentation, Global Standards Conference, School of Geography, Oxford University, UK, November 21st 2003.
Clark G.L. and Hebb T. (2003) Pension Fund Corporate Engagement in Global Arena, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics Annual Meeting, France, June 2003.
Clark G. L. and Hebb T. (2003) Understanding Pension Fund Corporate Engagement in a Global Arena, Conference Presentation, Equity, Efficiency or Ethics? Corporate Codes of Conduct and the Global Firm, Inter-University Centre on Globalization and Work (CRIMT), May 1st 2003.
Clark G.L. and Hebb T. (2002) Understanding Pension Fund Corporate Engagement in an Global Arena, Conference Presentation, Pension Fund Corporate Engagement, School of Geography, Oxford University, November 24th 2002.
Hebb T. (2002) Pension Fund Trustee Education Requirements, Conference Presentation, Canadian Industrial Relations Annual Conference, Toronto, June 2002.
Hebb T. (2002) Corporate Environmental and Sustainability Reporting, Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto, June 20 2002.
Hebb T. (2001) Leveraging Union Pension Power, Conference Presentation, Canadian Industrial Relations Annual Conference, Quebec City, June 2001.
Hebb T. (2002) Leveraging Labour’s Pension Power, Presentation, Canadian Legislative Conference, AFL-CIO, Ottawa, September 23rd 2002.
Hebb T., Economically Targeted Investment, Presentation, Making Money to Make Change Mission Based Investment Workshop, Toronto, June 2001.