Photo of Wesley Cragg

Wesley Cragg

Senior Scholar and Professor, York University, Schulich School of Business

Wesley Cragg is a graduate in philosophy of the Universities of Alberta and Oxford and an Alberta Rhodes Scholar. He was invited to York University in 1992 as the first George R. Gardiner Professor of Business Ethics, the first appointment of its kind in Canada. His mandate was to guide the integration ethics into the core MBA program for what is now the Schulich School of Business. One of his early initiatives as Professor of Business Ethics was to found the Canadian Chapter of Transparency International. Dr. Cragg has published widely in Canadian and international journals and written and edited a number of books on a variety of themes including corporate governance corporate codes of ethics, corporate social responsibility, sustainability, environmental ethics, business and human rights and ethical investment. A recent research theme is mining, economic development and Aboriginal communities particularly those located in the Canadian North.

Dr. Cragg is currently a Senior Scholar and Professor at York University in philosophy and the Schulich School of Business. He is also Project Director and Principal Investigator for the Canadian Business Ethics Research Network (CBERN).  Funded by the Canadian Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and other donors, CBERN’s goal is to support and raise the profile of business ethics and business ethics research in Canada by encouraging networking and dialogue across the private, government, NGO and academic sectors. CBERN is headquartered in the Schulich School of Business at York University.