1. Mission Statement
  2. Purpose
  3. Previous Allocations of Funds
  4. Contact

Mission Statement

Creating a barrier-free, accessible campus for all students and staff is essential to Carleton’s commitment to advancing accessibility. In accordance with this, the Dedicated Access Fund (DAF) is a fund dedicated to retrofitting existing Carleton University campus structures and improving overall access for all Carleton Community members.


The DAF is coordinated by a committee of members who strive to incorporate the voices of the larger Carleton community and decide how to allocate these funds in accordance with Carleton’s accessibility needs.

The DAF represents the important partnership between Carleton students and the University to effect real change within our community.

Previous Allocations of Funds

Examples of previous DAF allocations include:

  • Personalized Aquatic Lift (PAL) in Carleton Athletics Department
  • Automatic door operating systems in missing spaces on campus
  • Safety barriers next to sloped walkways on campus


If you have a suggestion regarding an accessibility related upgrade to the Carleton campus please use the form below to submit your suggestion to be reviewed by the Dedicated Access Fund (DAF) Committee.