1. About
  2. Mission
  3. Team
    1. Principal Investigators
    2. Project Team
  4. Final Report
  5. Project Partner
  6. Questions


In 2020, the READ Initiative, now Accessibility Institute, was engaged by Transport Canada to investigate the current state of accessible vehicles in taxi and rideshare services in Canada. Understanding the Current State of Accessible Vehicles in Taxi and Shared Mobility Services in Canada is a collaborative project that endeavours to develop a quantitative picture of the numbers of accessible taxis and rideshare vehicles and a contextual qualitative understanding of accessible vehicle availability and requests in the Atlantic provinces. The goal of this work is to provide a strategy for collecting this data that will enable Transport Canada to later expand data collection into a Canada-wide project. 


Shared mobility services are generally provided by the private sector in Canada and regulated by various levels of government. Accessibility within this industry remains an underdeveloped policy area with limited research and data. Your participation may allow researchers to better understand the state of accessible vehicles in taxis and shared mobility services. This may increase transportation opportunities for persons with disabilities, increase business opportunities for companies in the industry, and provide alternative transportation options in your community. 


Principal Investigators

Connolly, Tara, Assistant Director, Research and Development, Accessibility Institute (formerly READ Initiative)

Chan, Adrian, Professor, Systems and Computer Engineering  

Trudel, Chantal, Associate Professor, School of Industrial Design 

Vukovic, Boris, Director, Accessibility Institute (formerly READ Initiative)

Project Team

Gunnell, Jessie, Project Officer, Accessibility Institute (formerly READ Initiative)

Partridge, Kevin, PhD Candidate, Sociology 

Mallory, Darby, Graduate student, Women and gender studies 

Craig, Sage, Undergraduate student, Neuroscience and Mental Health 

Souaid, Maryam, Undergraduate student, Health Science 

Final Report

Final Report (English)

Final Report Citation:

Partridge, K., Connolly, T., Gunnell, J., Vukovic, B., Trudel, C., Chan, A., Souaid, M., & Patterson, R. (2022). Understanding the state of accessible taxi vehicles and shared mobility services in Atlantic Canada: A pilot project. Accessibility Institute at Carleton University, Ottawa. HTTPS://doi.org/10.22215/rcgl/241112

Project Partner

Transport Canada


For inquiries about this project, please contact Tara Connolly at TaraConnolly@cunet.carleton.ca