Andrew M. Johnston, “’The whole organism of humanity’: The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom’s campaign for women’s rights as universal rights, c. 1919,” in Sönke Kunkel, Jessica Gienow-Hecht, and Sebastian Jobs (eds.), Visions of Humanity: Historical Cultural Practices since 1850. (New York: Berghahn Books, 2023)

Andrew M. Johnston, review of Jonathan Levy’s Ages of American Capitalism: A History of the United States (New York: Random House,2021), in Economic Sociology: Perspectives and Conversations, vol. 24, no. 2 (March 2023): 36-38.


Andrew M. Johnston published a roundtable review of Andrew Priest’s Designs on Empire: America’s Rise to Power in the Age of European Imperialism (New York: Columbia University Press, 2021) in Passport: The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Review (April 2022).


Franny Nudelman published “The Document” (an essay on British photojournalist Tim Hetherington) in A Concise Companion to Visual Culture, eds. Aubrey Anable, Joan Saab, Catherine Zuromskis (Wiley Blackwell, 2021)


Brian Schmidt published “The Need for Theory: International Relations and the Council on Foreign Relations Study Group on the Theory of International Relations, 1953-54.” International History Review 42,3 (2020): 589-606.

Melissa Haussman published a chapter, “Trump’s ‘principles of economic mobility’ and Medicaid: Gender, race and federalism,” in Jill Vickers, Joan Grace and Cheryl Collier, eds., Handbook on Gender, Diversity and Federalism (Edward Elgar, 2020), pp. 135-148.

Candace Sobers (2020) published “J. William Fulbright, the Contested Legacies of the American Revolution, and the War in Vietnam.” Modern American History, 3(1), 27-45. doi:10.1017/mah.2020.8


Brian Schmidt published Historiographical Investigations in International Relations, edited by Brian C.Schmidt and Nicolas Guilhot. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.

Franny Nudelman (English) published Fighting Sleep: The War for the Mind and the US Military (Verso, 2019). Here are some of her reviews:

“Sleep seems to mark a realm wholly separate from public affairs, but Fighting Sleep reveals its methodical colonization by the US national security state and its surprising centrality to Cold War American politics and culture. Moving deftly between film and public protest, military psychiatry and veteran experience, documentation and reality, Franny Nudelman charts a fascinating pathway from the CIA mind-control experiments and the ‘brainwashing’ scare of the Korean War era to the troubled sleep of the traumatized veteran, the endless wakefulness of the POW, and the emergence of a veteran’s movement focused on the right to sleep in public.”

“In this lucid and moving cultural history of the US from the end of WW2 through the Vietnam War, Franny Nudelman explores the problematic status of sleep for soldiers damaged by the trauma of warfare. Writing against the instrumental logic of sleep as the recuperation necessary for a return to service and combat, she poses the passivity and vulnerability of sleep as an interval of refusal, of healing, or of oblivion in relation to the imperatives of a militaristic society. A revelatory book.”

“If you’ve never thought of sleep as direct action, Franny Nudelman’s marvelous tale of the struggles over soldiers’ sleep will awaken you to the mundane tactics of peaceable assembly in the face of the nightmares of militarism. A riveting re-imagination of antiwar activism for our post-traumatic times.”

Neil Gerlach (2019) published “Visualizing Ebola: Hazmat Imagery, The Press, and the Production of Biosecurity.” Canadian Journal of Communication 44(2): 191-210.

Miranda J. Brady (2019) published “Millennial Angst and the Bad Mother from the News to Netflix.” FlowTV online: https://www.flowjournal.org/2019/11/millennial-angst-and-the-bad-mother-from-the-news-to-netflix/

Andrew M. Johnston presented three papers on aspects of the history of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, one entitled “Human rights, the Great War, and the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom’s critique of nationalism,” at Culture & International History VI: Visions of Humanity, hosted by the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, at the Freie Universität Berlin in May 6-8 (picture below). The second was at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR) in June, and was titled, “‘A little child, born of dissipated parents’: The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom’s feminist critique of the League of Nations, 1919-1924.” It was part of a panel called Women, peace, and the quest for international order between the wars, with Marie-Michèle Doucet (RMC), Rebecca Shriver (Missouri Southern State) and Wendy Chmielewski, the George R. Cooley Curator Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore College. He presented a third version of these papers at A Century of Internationalisms: The Promise and Legacies of the League of Nations in Lisbon, 18-20 September, 2019.

Culture & International History VI: Visions of Humanity conference, hosted by Jessica Gienow-Hecht and the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, at the Freie Universität Berlin, May 2019.


Franny Nudelman published Remaking Reality: U.S. Documentary Culture After 1945, co-edited with Sara Blair and Joseph Entin (University of North Carolina Press, April 2018)  https://www.uncpress.org/book/9781469638690/remaking-reality/

Chris Russill and J.T. Wall, 2018. “Climate Change is an Ornery Beast: Visual Culture, Denial, and Fort McMurray.” In P. McCurdy (ed.), The Beast: Making a Living on a Dying Planet. University of North Dakota Press. Pp. 25-38.

Chris Russill, 2018. Tipping Point. The Companion to Environmental Studies. eds. Noel Castree; Mike Hulme; James Proctor. London: Routledge.

Andrew M. Johnston published a review of Tony Smith’s Why Wilson Matters: The Origin of American Liberal Internationalism and Its Crisis Today (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2017) in Passport: The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Review, 49, 1 (April 2018): 66-68.
http://shafr.org/content/april-2018-issue-passport-society-historians-american-foreign-relations-review He also published two entries in Opposition to War: An Encyclopedia of United States Peace and Antiwar Movements (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio, 2018), one on the Nobel Peace Prize winning “Emily Greene Balch” (57-60), and the other on the Canadian architect of the 1915 plan for “Continuous Mediation without Armistice” during the First World War, “Julia Grace Wales,” (pp. 690-91).


Root Gorelick, “Academic freedom to teach Indigenous sciences,” SAFS Newsletter 75 (2017): 5-7.

Andrew M. Johnston published “Dwight Eisenhower as NATO commander,” in Chester Pach, ed., A Companion to Dwight D. Eisenhower (Blackwell, 2017): 73-92.

Miranda J. Brady  & Emily Hiltz (2017) published “The Archaeology of an Image: The Persistent Persuasion of Thomas Moore Keesick’s Residential School Photographs,” Topia: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, 37: 61-85.


Richard Nimijean presented, “Sunny Ways or Storm Clouds? Canada-US Relations in the Age of Trump.” as a guest lecture to “Introduction to Canadian Politics” (Prof. Jeffrey Ayres). St. Michael’s College. Colchester, Vermont (December 6, 2016).

Priscilla Walton (English) and Andrew M. Johnston (History) both attended the annual conference of the Canadian Association of American Studies (CAAS), this year hosted by UNB in Fredericton under the title Homeland Insecurities. Priscilla presented a paper entitled, “The Enigma She Was”: Ethel Rosenberg and her Fictional Autobiography. Andrew’s paper was called Apathy, Passive Resistance, and Cynicism: Randolph Bourne’s Sociology of the Liberal State.

Franny Nudelman published, “Reporting Nuclear Dread: The Stranger at Didion’s Door,” a/b: Auto/biography Studies 32 (Autumn 2016): 591-96

Andrew M. Johnston reviewed Andrew Johnstone’s (no relation), Against immediate evil: American internationalists and the four freedoms on the eve of World War II (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2014) in The Canadian Journal of History 51, 3 (2016): 637–639.

Congratulations to Michel Hogue, whose book Metis and the Medicine Line has won Stubbendieck Great Plains Distinguished Book Prize, presented by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Center for Great Plains Studies! You can read a Q & A with Michel here.

Andrew M. Johnston and Hans-Martin Jaeger (Political Science) were invited guests of the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies at the Free University in Berlin. As well as continuing their work in designing a partnership between Carleton and the Free University, they delivered two teaching modules to JFKI graduate students. Andrew spoke on human rights and the intersectional difficulties of the Women’s International League For Peace and Freedom in the interwar years. Hans-Martin presented on the concept of “world opinion” and the evolution of human rights from the League of Nations to the United Nations.


Andrew M. Johnston, published “Jeanne Halbwachs, international feminist pacifism, and France’s Société d’études Documentaires et Critiques Sur La Guerre,” in Peace and Change, vol. 41, No. 1, (January 2016): 22-37.

Michel Hogue (History) published Metis and the Medicine Line: Creating a Border and Dividing a People (University of North Carolina Press/ University of Regina Press, 2015). For more details, see our homepage: http://carleton.ca/american-studies/2015/michel-hogue-publishes-metis-and-the-medicine-line-creating-a-border-and-dividing-a-people-2015/


Andrew M. Johnston (History) gave a paper in October 2014, “Jeanne Halbwachs and the Société d’Études documentaires et critiques sur la guerre,” at a conference co-sponsored by the Peace History Society entitled World War I: Dissent, Activism, and Transformation, Georgian Court University, Lakewood, New Jersey; and a public talk, “Double Consciousness and Civil Rights: how to watch The Butler,” Movies with Meaning Gala, ASW/First United Churches, Ottawa, October 22, 2014.

Melissa Haussman (Political Science) was co-author, with Lori Turnbull, “Legislatures and Parties: Heightened Divisions since the 1990s,” Chapter 8, in David Biette and David Thomas, eds., Canada and the US: Differences that Count (University of Toronto Press, 2014).

Franny Nudelman (English) published “Against Photography: Susan Sontag’s Vietnam,” Photography and Culture 7.1 (2014): 7-20.

Priscilla Walton (English) was in conversation with Anthony Stewart, author of Visitor, My Life in Canada, at his book launch hosted by Octopus Books. The event was in collaboration with Carleton University’s Department of English and Literature. In the book, Stewart poses serious question about the main challenge facing Canada in the future which, he suggests, is “not economic or political. It’s ethical. On the issue of racism, Canadians tend to compare themselves favourably to Americans and to rely on a concession that Canadian racism, if it exists at all, is more ‘subtle.’ Is there a future time when newcomers and visible minorities will be enabled to feel like they belong in Canada? Or will they have to accept their experience as visitors to Canada no matter how long they have lived here? To quote Stewart: As a Black Canadian, the Canada that I have come to see is different from the idealized Canada of Tim Hortons commercials, Hockey Night in Canada and countless other imaginings. It’s a Canada that takes credit for a level of open-mindedness that far exceeds its reality. It’s a Canada that distinguishes itself for its population of citizens who passively lay claim to welcoming difference while staying silent when those around them who are in fact different are disenfranchised, dehumanized, undervalued and left to feel that we do not belong in the country in which many of us were born, or about which we are told tales of tolerance.”

James Deaville (Music) recently spoke with NPR about music in reality television, excerpts from which interview will appear on their website. He is just back from Los Angeles, having interviewed composers, music supervisors and trailer house executives for his ongoing project about trailer music (a trip supported this year by an Internal Development Grant), a bridging grant from his SSHRC IDG on trailer auralities (see Trailaurality.com for details about the project). He also has a piece on the auralities of early sound newsreels (late 1920s) coming out in a Routledge book on music in documentary film. And he currently working on an article about Toscanini, Ormandy and the first televised concert (CBS and NBC in March, 1948) for a collection he is co-editing with Christina Baade called Music and the Broadcast Experience (OUP). He is also co-editor, with Dana Gorzelany-Mostak, on a special issue of the journal Music and Politics about music and the American election 2012.

And if that’s not enough, he has recently published “Performing Black Identity on the Blue Danube: The Songs of African-American Entertainers in Turn-of-the-Century Vienna,” in Crosscurrents: American and European Music in Interaction, 1900-2000, ed. by Felix Meyer, Carol J. Oja, Wolfgang Rathert, and Anne C. Shreffler (Woodbridge, UK: The Boydell Press, 2014), 105-118. This follows up on his earlier work “Theodore Thomas, George P. Upton, and Franz Liszt: Educating XIXth-century Chicago to and through the ‘Music of the Future’,” in: Franz Liszt: Un musicien dans la société, ed. by Cornelia Szabó-Knotik, Laurence Le Diagon-Jacuin and Michael Saffle (Paris: Hermann, 2013), 209-224.

Priscilla Walton (English) will soon publish “Down the Rabbit Hole: The Bostonians and Alice James.” The Canadian Review of American Studies,  Special Issue: In Memorium of Robert K. Martin. Forthcoming:  2015.

Andrew M. Johnston (History) gave a paper entitled “American sociologists and international sociology during the First World War,” at a conference called The Academic World in the Era of the Great War, at Trinity College, Dublin. He also presented two conferences papers in May and June: “The Theory and Practice of Gender in International History: what transnational feminists have taught me,” at the Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, University of Toronto, Toronto, May 25, 2014; and the second, “Henri Bergson and the Ontology of Diplomacy,” for a panel entitled Ideas in Transit: Intellectual Exchanges as Foreign Relations at the Turn to the Twentieth Century, at the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Annual Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, 20 June 2014.

Priscilla Walton (English) presented “Victims and Vagabonds:  Women in Prime Time,” to The International Narrative Conference, Boston, MA, April 2014.

Andrew M. Johnston (History) published two articles: “The disappearance of Emily G. Balch, social scientist,” Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 13, 2 (April 2014): 166-199; and “The Historiography of American Intervention in the First World War,” Passport: The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Review, 45, 1 (April 2014): 22-29.

Priscilla Walton (English) presented a paper at the Canadian Association of American Studies conference at the University of Waterloo. It was entitled “Down the Rabbit Hole: Illness, Leisure, and Authorship.”


James Miller (History) published “2012 in Review for the United States of America,” Annual Register (Bethesda, MD: Keesing’s Worldwide, 2013), and, with Mary Margaret Johnston-Miller, “Insider Art: The Asylum Drawings of John Gilmour.” Raw Vision 80 (November, 2013).

Kanta Marwah (Economics) received the University’s highest non-academic honour, a Founders Award, at the June Convocation. These awards recognize and pay tribute “to those individuals who have made significant contributions to the advancement of Carleton University through their dedication, generosity and commitment to the values of the university.” Dr. Marwah is a Distinguished Research Professor and Professor Emeritus of Economics who joined Carleton in 1967 as the first female professor and the Economics Department’s first female full professor in 1977. She has also been a member of the RCAS since its founding in 2010. The Centre offers Kanta our warmest congratulations for this tremendous achievement!

Franny Nudelman (English) published “‘Marked for Demolition’: Mary McCarthy’s Vietnam Journalism” in American Literature  85 (2) June 2013. She also posted a new blog entry on Susan Sontag’s 1968 trip to Hanoi on the website Cold War Camera: http://inthedarkroom.org/coldwarcamera/trip-to-hanoi

Melissa Haussman (Political Science) published Reproductive rights and the state: getting the birth control, RU-486, and morning-after pills and the Gardasil vaccine to the U.S. market (Praeger, 2013). From the book’s website: “Reproductive Rights and the State: Getting the Birth Control, RU-486, and Morning-After Pills and the Gardasil Vaccine to the U.S. Market tackles a subject that remains controversial more than 60 years after “the pill” was approved for use in the United States. The first book to examine the politicization of the FDA approval process for reproductive drugs, this study maps the hard-fought battles over the four major drugs currently on the U.S. market. To make her case, Melissa Haussman scrutinizes the history of the FDA and the statutes that have governed it, as well as interactions between the U.S. government, American pharmaceutical companies, and the medical community. The analysis centers on explaining how three reproductive drugs were kept off the U.S. market well after their efficacy had been proven, while the availability of the fourth, Gardasil, has less to do with helping girls than with preserving the financial wellbeing of Merck. Readers will come away understanding how, when it comes to reproductive drugs, women’s health concerns have consistently taken a backseat to political agendas and corporate profits.”


Ian Lee (Economics) published two OpEds. In the Ottawa Citizen (December 28, 2012), he wrote on “Obama and Boehner: so close, yet so far apart.” The second is slightly older, but still relevant on both sides of the border: “If Canada can privatize …” The New York Times (December 7, 2011).

Andrew Johnston (History) published an essay entitled “The Neoconservatives and Theodore Roosevelt,” in Claire Delahaye and Serge Ricard, eds., L’héritage de Theodore Roosevelt: impérialisme et progressisme (1912-2012) (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2012).

On November 14th, the RCAS hosted a panel discussion on the results of the US election. The event, organized by Melissa Haussman (Political Science), was entitled “Continuities and Surprises: the American Elections of November 6, 2012.” Our guest speakers were Professors Richard Fox (Loyola Marymount University Department of Political Science), Michael Genovese (Loyola Marymount University Department of Political Science) and Jennifer Lawless (American University Department of Government).

Melissa Haussman (Political Science) gave a paper, titled “The Distribution of Women’s Health Services in the US and Canada” at the conference in Honour of Professor Thomas Courchene, Queen’s University, entitled Thinking Outside the Box:  a Conference in Celebration of Thomas Courchene at Queen’s University, October 26-27.

Chris Russill (Communications) published the following: (with C. Lavin), “Tipping Point Discourse in Dangerous Times,” Canadian Review of American Studies, 42, 2, (2012) 142-163; “Climatic Security and the Tipping Point Conception of the Earth System. In Environmental Change, Natural Resources and Social Conflict: Rethinking Environmental Security in Theory and Practice (eds.), Matthew A. Schnurr & Larry A. Swatuk, Palgrave/MacMillan. Pp. 33-62; and “William James Among the Machines,” in Philosophical Profiles in Communication Theory. (Ed.) Jason Hannan. New York: Peter Lang. Pp. 291-323.

Priscilla Walton (English) and her co-author, Bruce Tucker, have just published their new book, American Culture Transformed:  Dialing 9/11, with Palgrave Macmillan (London:  2012). “American Culture Transformed offers an interesting sampling of the cultural landscape in America after 9/11. The authors provide compelling snapshots of iconic moments and figures from the military, economics, the arts, and politics. The book will stir memories and make us uncomfortable again.”
– Mary Poovey, New York University

For more see: http://us.macmillan.com/americanculturetransformed/BruceTucker

Andrew M. Johnston (History) presented “Rebuilding internationalism in Europe: American women, feminist pacifism, and the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, 1919-1923,” at the annual meeting of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations in Hartford in June. The paper was part of a panel chaired by the Sorbonne Nouvelle’s Serge Ricard, with co-presenters Claire Delahaye (Tours) and Daniela Rossini (Rome III) and commentary from Carol Chin (Toronto), entitled Women in a Post-Revolutionary World, 1919-1929.