Coffey, M.L. and A.M. Simons. 2025. The spatial distribution of a hummingbird-pollinated plant is not strongly influenced by hummingbird abundance. (Accepted, American Journal of Botany).
Raghu, S., M.L. Smith, and A.M. Simons. Avoiding dead ends: the experimental evolution of constraint as adaptation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Submitted).
Campeau, W., A.M. Simons and B. Stevens. 2024. Intermittent search, not strict Lévy flight, evolves under relaxed foraging distribution constraints. The American Naturalist. DOI: [PDF]
Coffey, M.L. and A.M. Simons. 2023. Latitudinal trends in mating system traits in the highly self-fertilizing Lobelia inflata revealed by community science. Ecology & Evolution
Campeau, W., A.M. Simons and B. Stevens. 2022. The evolutionary maintenance of Lévy flight foraging. PLOS Computational Biology 18(1): e1009490. [PDF]
Morris, R.S., M.E. Compton, and A.M. Simons. 2020. Birth order as a source of within-genotype diversification in the clonal duckweed, Spirodela polyrhiza (Araceae: Lemnoideae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 131:1002–1010.
Hitsman, H.W. and A.M. Simons. 2020. Latitudinal variation in norms of reaction of phenology in the greater duckweed Spirodela polyrhiza. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 33:1405-1416. DOI: 10.1111/jeb.13678
Wen, L. and A.M. Simons. 2020. Delusions of grandeur: Seed count is not a good fitness proxy under individual variation in phenology. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 33:1039-1049. DOI: 10.1111/jeb.13633
Côté, K. and A.M. Simons. 2020. Genotype-environment interaction and the maintenance of genetic variation: an empirical study of Lobelia inflata (Campanulaceae). Roy. Soc. Open Sci. 7:191720.
Brady, S. P., …, A.M. Simons et al. 2019. Understanding maladaptation by uniting ecological and evolutionary perspectives. The American Naturalist 194:495-515.
Van Wieren, J.F., and A.M. Simons. 2019. Prescribed fire increases seedling recruitment in a natural pitch pine (Pinus rigida) population at its northern range limit. Natural Areas Journal 39:308-318.
Brady, S. P., …, A.M. Simons et al. 2019. Causes of maladaptation. Evolutionary Applications 12:1229-1242. DOI: 10.1111/eva.12844
Mejbel, H.S., and A.M. Simons. 2018. Aberrant clones: birth order generates life-history diversity in Greater Duckweed, Spirodela polyrhiza. Ecology and Evolution 8:2021-2031.
Fukase, J., and A.M. Simons. 2016. Increased pollinator activity in urban gardens with more native flora. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 14:297-310. DOI: [PDF] The definitive version is available at: {Link}
Hughes, P.W.D., and A.M. Simons. 2015. Microsatellite evidence for obligate autogamy, but abundant genetic variation in the herbaceous monocarp Lobelia inflata. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28:2068-2077. [PDF] The definitive version is available at: [Link]
Hughes, P.W.D., and A.M. Simons. 2014. Changing reproductive effort within a semelparous reproductive episode. American Journal of Botany 101:1323-1331. DOI:10.3732/ajb.1400283. [Link]
Graham, J.K., M.L. Smith, and A.M. Simons. 2014. Experimental evolution of bet hedging under manipulated environmental uncertainty in Neurospora crassa. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281: 20140706. [Link]
Simons, A.M. 2014. Playing smart vs. playing safe: the joint expression of phenotypic plasticity and potential bet hedging across and within thermal environments Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27:1047-1056. DOI: 10.1111/jeb.12378 [PDF] The definitive version is available at: [Link]
Hughes, P.W.D., and A.M. Simons. 2014. Secondary reproduction in the herbaceous monocarp Lobelia inflata: time-constrained primary reproduction does not result in increased deferral of reproductive effort. BMC Ecology 14:15. [Link].
Hughes, P.W.D., and A.M. Simons. 2014. The continuum between semelparity and iteroparity: Plastic expression of parity in response to season length manipulation in Lobelia inflata. BMC Evolutionary Biology 14:90. [Link].
Hughes, P.W, A.F. Jaworski, C.S. Davis, S.M. Aitken and A.M. Simons. 2014. Development of polymorphic microsatellite markers for Indian Tobacco Lobelia inflata (Campanulaceae) Applications in Plant Sciences 2: 1300096. [Link].
Simons, A.M. 2011. Modes of response to environmental change and the elusive empirical evidence for bet hedging. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278:1601-1609. [Link] [PDF]
Simons, A.M., J.M. Goulet, and K.F. Bellehumeur. 2010. The effect of snow depth on overwinter survival in Lobelia inflata. Oikos 119:1685-1689. [Link] [PDF].
Simons, A.M. 2009. Fluctuating natural selection accounts for the evolution of diversification bet hedging. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 276:1987-1992. [Link]
Wagner, I. and A.M. Simons. 2009. Divergence among arctic and alpine populations of the annual, Koenigia islandica: morphology, life history and phenology. Ecography 32:114-122. [PDF]
Wagner, I. and A.M. Simons. 2009. Divergent norms of reaction to temperature in germination characteristics among populations of the arctic-alpine annual, Koenigia islandica. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 41:388-395.
Wagner, I. and A.M. Simons. 2009. Divergence in germination traits among arctic and alpine populations of Koenigia islandica: light requirements. Plant Ecology 204:145-153.
Simons, A.M. 2008. One big, and many small reasons that direct selection on offspring number is still open for discussion. Journal of Evolutionary biology 21:642-645.
Wagner, I. and A.M. Simons. 2008. Intraspecific divergence in seed germination traits between high and low latitude populations of the arctic-alpine annual Koenigia islandica. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 40:233-239.
Simons, A.M. 2007. Selection for increased allocation to offspring number under environmental unpredictability. Journal of Evolutionary biology 20:813-817. [PDF] The definitive version is available at: [Link]
Simons, A.M., and I. Wagner. 2007. The characterization of complex continuous norms of reaction. Oikos 116:986-994.
Simons, A.M., and M.O. Johnston 2006. Environmental and genetic sources of diversification in the timing of seed germination: Implications for the evolution of bet hedging. Evolution 60:2280-2292.
Simons, A.M. 2004. Many wrongs: the advantage of group navigation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 19:453-455.
Simons, A.M. 2003. Invasive aliens and sampling bias. Ecology Letters 6:278-280.
Simons, A.M., and M.O. Johnston 2003. Suboptimal timing of reproduction in Lobelia inflata may be a conservative bet-hedging strategy. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 16:233-243. [PDF] The definitive version is available at: [Link]
Simons, A.M. 2002. The continuity of microevolution and macroevolution. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 15:688-701. [PDF] The definitive version is available at: [Link]
Simons, A.M., and M.O. Johnston. 2000. Plasticity and the genetics of reproductive behaviour in the monocarpic perennial, Lobelia inflata (Indian tobacco). Heredity 85:356-365.
Simons, A.M., and M.O. Johnston. 2000. Variation in seed traits of Lobelia inflata (Campanulaceae): sources and fitness consequences. American Journal of Botany 87:124-132.
Simons, A.M., and M.O. Johnston. 1999. The cost of compensation. American Naturalist 153:683-687.
Simons, A.M., Y. Carrière, and D.A. Roff. 1998. The quantitative genetics of growth in a field cricket. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 11:721-734.
Simons, A.M., and M.O. Johnston. 1997. Developmental instability as a bet-hedging strategy. Oikos 80:401-406. [PDF] [Link].
Roff, D.A., and A.M. Simons. 1997. The quantitative genetics of wing dimorphism under laboratory and ‘field’ conditions in the cricket Gryllus pennsylvanicus. Heredity 78:235-240.
Carrière, Y., A.M. Simons, and D.A. Roff. 1996. The effect of the timing of post-diapause egg development on survival, growth, and body size in Gryllus pennsylvanicus. Oikos 75:463-470.
Simons, A.M., and D.A. Roff. 1996. The effect of a variable environment on the genetic correlation structure in a field cricket. Evolution 50:267-275.
Gasol, J.M., A.M. Simons, and J. Kalff. 1995. Patterns in the top-down versus bottom-up regulation of heterotrophic nanoflagellates in temperate lakes. Journal of Plankton Research 17:1879-1903.
Simons, A.M., and D.A. Roff. 1994. The effect of environmental variability on the heritabilities of traits of a field cricket. Evolution 48:1637-1649.