“What do you think of when you hear the word biofuels?”

Amin Ghaziaskar was a top 10 finalist and took home the People’s Choice Award at the Carleton three minute thesis – also know as the 3MT – competition for 2018. Amin presented his research in just under three minutes on the topic of biofuels and sustainability. Amin has been working on improving the patented enhanced hydrothermal polymerization biofuel project for his MASC thesis. This project involves both an industry partner (PCS Biofuels) and three co-supervisors (Dr. Basu – Environmental Engineering, Dr. McRae – Mechanical Engineering, and Dr. Lai – Chemistry). Congratulations Amin!

Photos: Amin (giving his pitch), Amin and Dr. Basu (after the talk), crowd of supporters :)