Conferences, Talks, & Other Interesting Things:

  1. Alexis Fosse Mackintosh, Andrey Tokarev, Margaret Knowling, Onita Basu, Syedvali Pinjari, Niloufar Nekouei Marnani, Matt Swift, Mark Cannon, Grace Quan. Hydrogen Storage in Alkali Metal doped Activated Carbon Microspheres. World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Cancun, Mexico, June 24-27, 2024
  2. Zoé Jeaurond, Andy Campbell, Joshua Elliott, Jed Rode and Onita D. Basu. Does your backwash matter? Influences on filter media health. Civil Engineering Society of Canada (CSCE) Annual Conference, Niagara Falls, ON, June 5-8, 2024. Best Student Paper Award – Environmental Speciality
  3.  Lydia Hoffmann, Onita Basu and Alison Anderson. Experiential learning through co-training northern water and wastewater operators with engineering students. Civil Engineering Society of Canada (CSCE) Annual Conference, Niagara Falls, ON, June 5-8, 2024.
  4.  Navneet Kallapalli, Abbas Khursheed and Onita Basu. Investigation of Carbon Dioxide and Surfactant-Based Cleaning Solutions in Chemically Enhanced Backwash (CEB) with Ceramic Membranes. Civil Engineering Society of Canada (CSCE) Annual Conference, Niagara Falls, ON, June 5-8, 2024.
  5. Marnani, N.N.,O.D. Basu, A. Tokarev, A. Mackintosh, Investigation of Surface Area Measurement Techniques for Graphene-Based Nanomaterials. AWWA Annual Conference and Exposition, Toronto, ON, June 11-14, 2023
  6. Singh, D., J. Ninan, M. Alresheedi, O. D. Basu. Can Surfactants Improve Chemical Cleaning of NOM Fouled Ceramic Membranes? AWWA Annual Conference and Exposition, Toronto, ON, June 11-14, 2023
  7. Ninabanda, A., B. Holden, O.D. Basu. Point-of-Use membrane filtration – Investigating recovery performance after cyclical hydration and dehydration episodes. IWA Young Water Professionals Canadian National Conference, June 1-3, 2023 (accepted)
  8. Venis, Robbie, D. Neufield, O.D. Basu. Optimizing Ceramic Water Filter Usability and Robustness for Low-Resource Contexts. BCWWA Annual Conference, Penticton, BC, May 14-16, 2023
  9. PodCast Interview – Dr. Basu talks about water treatment, clean water and research,  “Women In Environmental Engineering & Science” June 22, 2022 with Saranya Anantapantula. (And the youtube version here)
  10. PodCast Interview – highlighting Dr. Basu’s career path and research in the field of water, with “Beyond the Test Tube” May 16, 2022 with Dr. Elaine Beaulieu and Dr Michael Country
  11. Stephanie Pineau & Onita Basu, Summary Report on Queen Elizabeth Advanced Scholars Program (2017-2021).
  12. Chemistry World Interview – Dr. Basu was interviewed to discuss a promising new desalination method that is based on biomimicry in April 2022. Read the Article Here
  13. Venis, R., Basu, O., June 2022. “Long-term engagement and participatory education for improving water and health outcomes: a case study in rural Tanzania.” Canadian Society for Civil Engineers Annual Conference. Whistler, British Columbia
  14. Venis, R., Luhar, C. Basu, O., June 2022. “The influence on nanoparticle-cell ratios on the disinfection of Escherichia coli by silver and zinc oxide in low concentrations.” Canadian Society for Civil Engineers Annual Conference. Whistler, British Columbia
  15. James Greco, Francois Daudelin, Andrea Ninabanda, Onita D Basu. Utilizing a Monte Carlo Framework for Wastewater Lagoon Design Sizing: A Case Example with Guanujo, Ecuador. UBC WEST Conference (Online/Virtual), June 8-10, 2022
  16. Niloufar Marnani, Onita Basu, Handan Tezel “Enhanced Removal of Cationic Dyes Utilizing Graphene Oxide in Comparison to Granular Activated Carbon and Zeolite Nay” CAWQ Virtual Atlantic and Eastern Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research, Nov. 2-3, 2021(Online/Virtual).
  17. May Alherek and Onita Basu “Investigating the Effect of Silver, Zinc Oxide and Copper Nanoparticles at Low Concentrations to Disinfect E. Coli” CAWQ Virtual Atlantic and Eastern Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research, Nov. 2-3, 2021(Online/Virtual)
  18. Robbie A. Venis, Virginia Taylor, Paulina Sumayani, Marie Laizer, Onita. D. BasuTowards Universal Safe Water Access in Rural Tanzania: Moving from Provision to Service Models” Carleton University QES-AS Next Gen Seminar Series, Oct 27-28, 2021 (Online/Virtual)
  19. Invited Talk. O.D. Basu “Do you know your SDGs? (UN Sustainable Development Goals)”. Soapbox Science: Ottawa Chapter, Sept 23, 2021 (Online/Virtual)
  20. O.D. Basu. “Participatory Approach to Research”.  Carleton QEAS Learning Module , Canada. Carleton University, August 26, 2021 (Online/Virtual)
  21. Robbie Venis and Onita Basu. “Rethinking the implementation of point-of-use water treatment”. Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG) 2021 Annual Meeting & Conference. June 7-11, 2021. Prince George, BC (Online/Virtual)
  22. John Ninan, M. Alresheedi, O.D. Basu. “Use of anionic surfactant in combination with NaOCl to clean ceramic membranes fouled by NOM” UBC Water & Environment Student Talks (WEST) Conference, Vancouver, BC, June 9-11, 2021(Online/Virtual)
  23. Andrea Ninabanda and O.D. Basu ” Experiential Learning as a Methodology to Support Wastewater Treatment Design in Guaranda, Ecuador: A case study” UBC Water & Environment Student Talks (WEST) Conference, Vancouver, BC, June 9-11, 2021(Online/Virtual)
  24. A. Piche, H.P. Hamidi, S. Cleary, O. D. Basu. “Biofiltration Optimization Strategies – operational and water quality adjustments.” CSCE Annual Conference. Ontario, May 25-28, 2021. (Online/Virtual)
  25. R.A. Venis and O.D. Basu. “Integrating Technical And Social Criteria For Sustained Uptake Of Localized Water Treatment Technology In Rural Tanzania.” International Water Association Digital World Water Congress & Exhibition 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark (Poster) (Online/Virtual)
  26. Moderator/Interviewer (2021) Onita D. Basu “Eight on Eight: a conversation about Gender Equality” Project Tembo  – International Women’s Day Event (March 8, 2021) (Online/Virtual)
  27. Workshop (2021) Onita D Basu “Welcome to my classroom” Carleton Education Development Center event –  interactive activities on line. (February 2021) (Online/Virtual)
  28. R. A. Venis and O. D. Basu, “Co-Application of Silver and Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles for Disinfection in Ceramic Water Filters” in UNC Water and Health Conference, North Carolina, Oct 26-30, 2020 (Poster) (Online/Virtual)
  29. Invited Talk (2020) Onita D. Basu” Point of Use: A Case Study in Longido, Tanzania”  IC-Impacts/WEStalks Seminar Series” Oct 1, 2020 (Online/Virtual)
  30. Invited Talk (2020). Onita D. Basu “Public Speaking 101” Society of Women Engineers – Ottawa Chapter, Sept 17, 2020
  31. Guest Lecture Onita D. Basu “Ceramic Filters Adoption and Uptake in  Rural Tanzania” at the Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology, Oct 17, 2019
  32. Venne, S., B. Barbeau., O.D Basu. Ozone-enhanced Backwashes For Membrane Fouling Control During Filtration Of Cyanobacteria-Laden Surface Water. International Water Association (IWA) Young Professionals Conference, Toronto, ON, June 23-27, 2019 (Poster)
  33. Venis R., V. Taylor, and O.D. Basu.  Challenges and Opportunities for Ceramic Water Filter Implementation in Rural Tanzania. Ontario Water Works Association Annual Conference. Ottawa, ON, May 6-8, 2019 (Poster)
  34. Piche, A, Onita Basu, Cezzanta Andrade, Andy Campbell, Shawn Cleary, Ian Douglas (2018). A Comparative Pilot Scale Study Analyzing the Performance of Biological Versus Conventional Drinking Water Filtration. Water Quality and Technology Conference (WQTC). Toronto, ON, November 11-15, 2018
  35. Suresh, S., O.D. Basu, Jamaliniya, E. Musvoto, A. Mackintosh. A Novel Green Biomedia for Adsorption of Nutrients in Water. Water Quality and Technology Conference (WQTC). Toronto, ON,  November 11-15, 2018 (Poster)
  36. Hamidi, H.P. and O.D. Basu (2018) The Impacts of pH and Alkalinity on Drinking Water Biofiltration Performance. Water Quality and Technology Conference (WQTC). Toronto, ON, November 11-15, 2018 (Poster)
  37. Invited Talk (2018). Onita. D Basu “Water Resources and Development in Rural Tanzania” at the Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology, May 29, 2018
  38. Keynote Speech (2018) Dr. Basu gave a keynote speech “Water Resources and Development in Rural Tanzania” at Carleton University Chapter Engineers Without Boarders Networking Night, March 24, 2018
  39. Alresheedi, M., B. Barbeau, O.D. Basu (2018). Natural Organic Matter Fouling and Chemical Cleaning of Ceramic UF Membranes. AWWA/AMTA Membrane Technology Conference, West Palm Beach, March 11-16, 2018.
  40. Alresheedi, M., O.D. Basu, B. Barbeau (2017). Comparisons of NOM fouling and cleaning of ceramic and polymeric membranes during water treatment. 8th IWA Membrane Technology Conference for Water and Wastewater Reuse, Singapore, September 5-9, 2017.
  41. Alresheedi, M., and O.D. Basu (2017). Fouling indices and resistance-in-series for quantification of NOM fouling in submerged membrane systems. 8th IWA Membrane Technology Conference for Water and Wastewater Reuse, Singapore, September 5-9, 2017.
  42. Keynote Speech (2017) Environmental  – Dr. Basu gave a keynote speech at the international Water, Informatics, Science and the Enviroment (i-WISE) conference,Ottawa, Ontario, July 3-5, 2017.
  43. Nour AlGhussain, Onita D. Basu, Allie Tsitouras, Robert Delatolla. The treatment of Industrial wastewater with high loads of ammonia after C&P removal using a batch MBBR reactor. (Poster Presentation) 31st Eastern Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research (CAWQ), Quebec City, Canada. May 19, 2017.
  44. Amin Ghaziaskar, O.D. Basu, G. McRae, E.P.C. Lai, A. Mackintosh (2017). Biofuel Made from Hydrothermal Polymerization of Cellulosic Feedstock: Recycling and Harvesting Value-added Products. 1st International Forest Biorefining Conference, Thunder Bay, May 9-11, 2017.
  45. Onita D. Basu “Engineering employer panel” YMCA/YWCA Career Week Workshops – Ottawa Branch, Nov 22, 2016 (Invited panelist)
  46. Onita D. Basu, T. Anderson, B. Hallgrimsson, and V. Taylor (2016). Water recovery and conservation in rural Tanzania International Water Association (IWA) World Water Congress, Brisbane, Australia. October 9-14, 2016.
  47. One Young World – Breakout Session on “Unheard Voices in Poverty Reduction” Sept 30, 2016 (Invited mentor)
  48. Invited Talk. Onita D. Basu “Global Water, Global Issues” Canadian Water Research Association – Project WET Canada Facilitator Leadership Workshop, Aberfoyle, Ontario. July 13, 2016
  49. S. Cleary and O.D. Basu. Biofiltration Optimization: Impact of nutrient conditions and backwashing on DOC removal, International Water Association (IWA) 13th Water and Wastewater Technologies Conference, Spain June 13 -16, 2016 (Poster)
  50. Alresheedi, M., and O.D. Basu (2016). Variation in prediction of NOM fouling using the SDI and MFI-UF methods under variable testing conditions. Canadian Association of Water Quality (CAWQ) Eastern Canadian Symposium, Ottawa, Ontario, May 27, 2016.
  51. Keynote Speech (2016) Environmental  – Dr. Basu gave a keynote speech at the 2nd international conference on civil, structural, and transportation engineering (ICCSTE) 2016 conference, Ottawa, Ontario,May 5-6, 2016.
  52. Alresheedi, M. and O.D. Basu (2016). Assessment of NOM constituents fouling using the SDI method under variable testing conditions. American Water Works Association (AWWA) Membrane Technology Conference, San Antonio, Texas, February 1-5, 2016 (Best Student Poster)
  53. Onita D. Basu, Sahil Dhawan, Sarra Ikhlef and S.A. Cleary (2015). Organic Carbon Removal in Biofilters – nutrient removal and backwashing impacts. CWWA Annual Conference, Whistler, B.C. October 25-28, 2015.
  54. Onita D. Basu, Troy Anderson, Bjarki Hallgrimsson, and Virginia Taylor (2015). Rainwater Harvesting in Rural Tanzania. CWWA Annual Conference, Whistler, B.C. October 25-28, 2015.
  55. C. Andrew Hulse, and O.D. Basu (2015). Biological nitrogen and phosphorous removal with a proposed attached growth and membrane bioreactor. WEAO Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario, April 19-23, 2015.
  56. Dahwan, S, S Ikehlf and O.D.Basu (2014). Preliminary Investigations of Research Strategies for Enhancing Lab Scale Biofilter Performance. Canadian Association of Water Quality (CAWQ) Eastern Canadian Symposium Montreal, Quebec, October 17, 2014 (Runner Up Best Student Paper)
  57. Charron, C., Dhawan, S,  and O.D.Basu (2014). A Preliminary Framework to Determine the Efficiency of Multi-Stage Filtration for Drinking Water Treatment. Water Initiative for the Future (WatIF) Conference, Kingston, Ontario, May 4-6, 2014 (Poster)
  58. Roy, B, and O.D. Basu (2014). The Effects of Variations in Flux on Membrane Fouling and System Efficiency. OWWA Annual Conference, London, Ontario May 4 – 6, 2014 (Poster)
  59. Black, K, O.D. Basu, S.A. Cleary, and R. LeCraw (2013). Effect of a pilot-scale multi-stage filtration system on the removal of natural organic matter. Ontario Water Works Association (OWWA) Annual Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, May 6-8, 2013.
  60. Alresheedi, M., O.D. Basu (2013). Support Media for Control of Hollow Fiber Membrane Fouling. International Water Association (IWA) Membrane Technology Conference, Toronto, Ontario, August 25-28, 2013 (Poster)
  61. Alresheedi, M. and O.D. Basu (2013). Influence of support media on membrane fouling reduction in a submerged membrane reactor. American Water Works Association (AWWA) Membrane Technology Conference, San Antonio, Texas, February 17-19, 2013.
  62. Basu, Onita, and Miaoyi Yan (2012). Chemical Disinfection with PAA and Chlorine – efficacy of micro -constituent removal and formation of disinfection by-products WEAO Specialty Seminar: Wastewater Disinfection, Milton, Ontario November 15, 2012.
  63. Alresheedi, M., and O.D. Basu (2012). The impact of support media on the fouling of submerged membranes. Canadian Association of Water Quality (CAWQ) Eastern Canadian Symposium, Sherbrooke, Quebec, October 26, 2012.
  64. De Souza, N. P. and O D. Basu (2011). Comparison of physical cleaning methods used in critical flux determining models for the treatment of drinking water. AWWA: Membrane Technology Conference, Long Beach, California March 28-31, 2011.
  65. Jardine, B, Basu, O.D., Sherwood, E.G. (2010) Investigation into alternative raw material for cement production Proceedings, Annual Conference – Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 9-12 2010, Vol1: 412-421 (Best Student Paper)
  66. Basu, O.D. (2010). Peracetic Acid for Wastewater Disinfection. British Columbia Water and Wastewater Association (BCWWA), Whistler, BC, May 1-5, 2010.
  67. Cleary, Shawn, O. D Basu, R. Krishnasamy (2010). Evaluation of Modified Slow Sand Filtration in Small and Remote Northern Communities. BCWWA Whistler, BC, May 1-5, 2010.
  68. Tran, Minh and O. Basu (2010). Application of Peracetic Acid (PAA) for wastewater treatment. Water Environment Association of Ontario (WEAO) 39th Technical Symposium, London, Ontario, April 18 – 20, 2010.
  69. Basu, O.D. and C.M Gatchene (2009). Peracetic Acid as an alternative disinfection option in wastewater treatment. Presented at: CWWA 3rd National Conference and Policy Forum on Wastewater Management, Niagara, Ontario,September 10 -12, 2009.
  70. Basu, O.D. and Edward G. Sherwood (2009). The use of waterworks sludge in concrete production – a pilot study. 5th Canadian Residuals and Biosolids Conference,Niagara, Ontario, September 13 – 15, 2009.
  71. MacDonald, A.J., N. Rovirosa, O.D. Basu (2009) Application of a holistic approach for the selection of wastewater treatment technologies. WaterTech 2009: 2nd Annual Water Technologies Symposium, Banf, Alberta, April 29 – May 1, 2009.
  72. Weerasinghe, Bhagya N. and Onita D. Basu (2008). Dechlorination kinetics of municipal wastewater effluent (MWWE). WEAO Annual Technical Symposium. May 23-25th, 2008. (Best Student Talk)
  73. Chakrovortty, Shanta and Onita Basu(2008).Removal of pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) by advanced oxidation processes. Ontario Water Works Association (OWWA)/Ontario Municipal Water Association (OMWA) Joint Annual Conference, London, Ontario, April 28-30,2008. (Best Student Poster)