Two research group members were recognized recently for their academic and intellectual hard work!

Doctoral Candidate Robbie Venis received the Thomas Betz Award (2017/2018) which is awarded based on on the basis of scholarly promise and potential for intellectual leadership. Robbie’s research will investigate the production costs, manufacturing methodology and disinfection efficacy of low cost ceramic filters in a LMIC context. Robbie has a great podcast called “All about Aid” where he explores a variety of issues, challenges and rewards associated with Aid based work. It can be found here:

Doctoral Candidate Mohammad Alresheedi presented at the Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Environmental Engineering (OCIENE) annual Fall Seminar Series. Mohammad’s research is focused on membrane fouling by organic carbon material under a variety of temperature and pressure conditions. He received a Best Student Presentation Award at the OCIENE seminar series for his talk on “Comparisons of NOM fouling and cleaning of ceramic and polymeric membranes during water treatment”.