If you’ve logged into D2L Brightspace and your course is not showing up, there may be a few reasons
- You may not have been added to the course yet: Instructors have to add their TAs to their course for the TA to have access. if your course does not show up on your Brightspace homepage, you may not yet have been given access. Contact the course instructor to ask about being added to the course.
- The course may not be active. Your instructor is responsible for activating the course. The instructor may not have made the course visible yet or may have turned the course off if it is complete. You will not be able to access the course until the course has been activated. Check with your instructor about your access to the course.
- The course hasn’t started. If the course has not yet started, it will not be visible in Brightspace Learning Environment. If you are unsure about when your course is supposed to start, check the public class schedule or Carleton Central for the start date.
If you are logged into Brightspace and have been added to the course, but you still can’t see it, please contact the ITS Service Desk at 613-520-3700 or by e-mail at its.service.desk@carleton.ca.
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