Session 1a: Where We Stand — Canada’s Measurement Based Inventory and Trends – O&G

Matt Johnson – Scientific Director, Energy & Emissions Research Lab, Carleton University
Measured Inventory results for Canada’s upstream O&G sector” (watch online)

Owen Barrigar – Research Scientist, Pollutant Inventories and Reporting Division, ECCC
National Inventory Report (NIR) improvements to oil and gas methane quantification” (watch online) 

Felix Vogel – Research Scientist, Climate Research Division, ECCC
Bottom-up and top-down synthesis for oil and gas emissions – Atmospheric observations and modelling as independent assessment tool” (watch online)

John Liggio – Senior Research Scientist, Air Quality Research Division, ECCC
Quantifying methane emissions using aircraft in the oil sands and CHOPS regions of Canada” (watch online)

Zhenyu Xing – Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Calgary
Satellite observations reveal a declining trend of methane emissions from Canada’s Cold Heavy Oil Production with Sand (CHOPS) region” (watch online)

Session 1a Panel Discussion
“Where We Stand — Canada’s Measurement Based Inventory and Trends – O&G” (watch online)