Special Session: EU-Canada Dialogue on Methane

André von Walter, Head of Trade and Economic Section, Delegation of the European Union to Canada
Opening remarks (watch online)

Adrian Manlagnit, Deputy Director, Office of Energy Research and Development/ Gas and Fuels Systems including methane emission reduction RD&D programs, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Opening remarks (watch online)

James Diamond, Manager, Technical Operations & Upstream Regulatory Team at Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)
“New federal regulations on methane in Canada” (watch online)

Andreea Calcan, Programme Management Officer at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
“United Nations Environment Programme” (watch online)

Panel discussions and Q&A
Amanda Bryant, Senior Analyst, Pembina Institute
Deborah Gordon, Senior Principal, RMI
Emils Lagzdins, Senior Policy Officer, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) Europe
Katlyn MacKay, Scientist, Global Methane, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)
Matthew Johnson, Professor & Head of Energy & Emissions Research Lab, Carleton University
Panel discussions and Q&A (watch online)

Gabriele Wagner, Team Leader, EU Climate Dialogues (EUCDs) Project
Closing remarks (watch online)