Policy Workshop: “Clean Energy and Climate Policy in Canada and the EU: An Exchange of Experiences, Views, and Visions for the Future”
February 9, 2018

Note: Slides will be available again in the next few weeks, please check back again soon!

The Jean Monnet EU-Canada Network hosted an international policy workshop, “Clean Energy and Climate Policy in Canada and the EU: An Exchange of Experiences, Views, and Visions for the Future,” on Friday, February 9, 2018, at Carleton University. This policy workshop examined how achieving a sustainable transition from high to low carbon production in the energy sector has been carried out in the EU and in Canada. In particular, issues of energy market integration in multilevel governance systems (such as in the EU and the Canadian federal system) were examined by notable scholars. Issues of economic competitiveness of green energy systems were also explored. The event featured experts from Canada, U.S. and Europe. To see the original agenda and institutional affiliations of the presenters, click here.

Panel 1: Energy Transition in the Canada and Europe: Managing the Change to a Low Carbon Economy
Normand Mousseau: Can Canada Really Manage an Energy Transition?
James Meadowcroft: Where Next for Canada’s Low Carbon Transition?
Miranda Schreurs: The European Union’s Low Carbon Energy Transition: Progress and Obstacles
Arnau Queralt i Bassa: European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils

Panel 2: Economic Competitiveness Impacts of Climate Policy: Emissions Trading and the Carbon Tax
Michael Themann: Carbon Pricing and Competitiveness – A European Perspective on the Path to 2050
Andrew Leach: Alberta’s Climate Policy: Dealing with Competitiveness Concerns
Dallas Burtraw: Managing Allowance Prices with Different EU Member State Ambitions in Emissions
David Sawyer: Delivering Decarbonization Ambition Within a Federation: Early Lessons from Canada’s Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change

Panel 3: The Role of Energy Market Integration in the Green Transition
Stephan Schott: Energy Market Reforms to Enable a Green Transition in Canada
Arthur Benz: Green Energy, Market Failure and Multilevel Governance. Lessons from Germany
Pierre-Olivier Pineau: Eclectic Electric Markets: The Case for Power Sector Integration in the North American Northeast

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