Climate Commons supports our students’ right to protest and the student movement to end Canadian and U.S. university complicity in genocide in Gaza. There is now a solidarity sit-in at the University of Ottawa. For anyone wanting more information, they can find it at INSAF UOttawa.

As a climate focused group, we attend to the intersections between ecocide and genocide. The olive groves, ancient and resilient, bear witness to both human suffering and environmental devastation. The deliberate destruction of lives and ecosystems demands our attention and collective action. For more info see “The Nation” article. (April 30, 2024)


Most weeks the biggest threat to the future of humanity is climate change. This week it is the denial of food, water, and sanctuary to ordinary Palestinians amidst the siege, bombardment, and imminent ground invasion of Gaza. The grievous acts of inhumanity committed by Hamas on 7 October should not be used to justify further inhumanity. Among the many things the climate crisis has taught us is that we are all deeply interconnected. Recognizing that there is no good future for any of us that is not shared by all of us, the Climate Commons joins those calling for an immediate ceasefire, the restoration of an adequate flow of life-giving supplies to the people of Gaza, and diplomatic efforts towards the safe return of captured hostages. (October 24, 2023)

Any student who is affected by these events is encouraged to connect with the resources available through the university’s Mental Health and Wellness hub, including booking an appointment with Health and Counselling Services. Faculty and staff are also encouraged to access the Employee & Family Assistance Program for resources and support.