1. How to Book an Appointment
    1. Using the CHR Connect App or Online
    2. Update to Names and Pronouns Entry with CHR Connect App
    3. FAQs

Health and Counselling Services is proud to announce the launch of our new Collaborative Health Record (CHR) system. The new CHR system will allow you to receive reminders, request appointment changes, complete forms, update contact information, securely communicate with our clinic, book and cancel appointments online through the CHR Connect App or by visiting the Input Health Website.

We are currently offering online booking for acute issues such as sore throat, cough, asthma, injuries and other medical issues.

We are also offering appointment booking through the CHR Connect App or online for counselling intake appointments. For more information on scheduling a counselling appointment, please visit our Counselling webpage.

Appointments are released after midnight for the same day of booking for the Urgent Care Clinic.  You will receive confirmation of this appointment via email during office hours.

An appointment is necessary for most visits:

  • Counselling and Mental Health Management
  • STI Testing (non-symptomatic) and Results
  • Birth Control
  • Prescription Renewals (please plan ahead)
  • Minor Dermatology Assessments and Procedures
  • Vaccines
  • For Travel Advice please book an appointment at The Prescription Shop:  613-526-3666

Mental Health appointments for assessments, medication management, and follow ups with a medical provider must be booked by our Patient Care Coordinators in Health Services either in-person or by phone.

For an in-clinic visit, please arrive 15 minutes before your appointment. Remember to bring your Carleton ID card and health card. If you are more than 15 minutes late, the appointment will be rescheduled for another time and the Cancellation Policy will be in effect.

How to Book an Appointment

Using the CHR Connect App or Online

Download the CHR Connect App or visit the Input Health Website to book an appointment!

Update to Names and Pronouns Entry with CHR Connect App

Carleton University Health and Counselling Services migrated to a new electronic medical record (Telus CHR) in spring 2023. There were limitations during data migration of chosen names and pronouns related to the prior and incoming software. To maximize retention of patients’ chosen names and pronouns, we chose to migrate the pronouns (+ chosen names) into the chosen name category (called “Preferred Name” in CHR). This allowed pronouns to be visible in several key parts of the user interface. It meant that until now, when patients were updating chosen names electronically for CHR, they would also be asked to insert pronouns in the same spot as well (free text).

Numerous ventures of advocacy and education have been done by Carleton Health and Counselling staff with Telus CHR over the last year to provide feedback to improve the CHR interface regarding name and pronouns display, and other features related to the care and safety of our diverse student population. Some have been implemented, while many are still in the works. The new CHR Connect app reflects some of the changes that we have advocated for.

With this new app, we would request that students:

  • Insert their chosen/preferred name only in the chosen/preferred name section (this is called “Display Name” in the CHR Connect App and “Preferred Name” on the web view)
  • Use the drop-down pronoun selection box for pronoun entry. The exception to this is if someone’s pronouns are not offered in the drop down menu. For example, “he/they”. In that case, please continue to input pronouns into the chosen/preferred name section EACH time you update this field as it will overwrite your prior entry.

Note: Please do this even if you have already given us your chosen/preferred name and pronouns prior, as it will update the electronic medical record display.

Telus CHR is working on increasing drop-down pronoun options as a future goal.

CUHCS staff will use any of the pronouns that are displayed in the chart (from either the free text in the Preferred name field OR from the drop-down Pronouns section).

Additionally, there were data migration choices made with the gender category. In the new CHR platform, to avoid patient’s sex automatically importing directly as their gender, the gender category import was left as a more neutral “prefer to describe”. In the last year, individuals could update their gender through the electronic review before appointment, or in appointments when talking to a staff member. Sex is present in demographic area as well, and is typically the sex on your ID card (e.g. OHIP card) as this is required by the system for billing.

With the CHR Connect app, patients can more easily see demographic information in their chart (sex, gender, etc.) and can update this information through the app. Gender selection is self-determined.

There have been language updates to options for gender selection in CHR Connect App to Man, Woman, Non-binary, and Prefer to Describe free text.

The CHR Connect app gender options do not display the exact same on the web CHR view. They map internally as Man->Male, Woman->Female, Non-binary->Non-binary, and any free text entry will be display as entered by the user. An update to the web CHR view language to reflect the same gender categories as on the CHR Connect app is anticipated by end of 2024.

If you have specific concerns about your demographic information, please discuss it during your next appointment or call the clinic for support.

