What is the role of the student climate activism on campuses across the country? What works? What doesn’t? What can you do, as a student, to promote climate action from where you are? What can universities do to support students in this work? Join us to discuss!


Steph Vienneau is a second year Biology student and the administrative lead at Climate Action Carleton. She has been working with CAC for three years, since her first year at Carleton. Since highschool she has worked with local youth climate groups to push for further climate action within the government and corporations!

Alex Zelenski is a fourth year economics student concentrating in natural resources in the environment and the Administrative lead at CAC. He has a passion for engaging with faculties on campus with the aim of establishing a culture of sustainability and innovation.

Resource List

Programs/Opportunities at Carleton:

Collaborative MA Specialization in Climate Change

Environmental and Climate Humanities (EACH) Minor

Changemaker Challenge from the Innovation Hub

Activist Communities to Join:

Climate Action Carleton
To get involved, fill in this form.
Or contact CAC by email: climateactioncarleton@gmail.com

CAFES Ottawa

Ecology Ottawa

To Dos:

Get involved however you can! And if you’re a member of a climate-focused group not listed here, let us know. One of the topics discussed at this teach-in was the need for communities and organizations to work together and collaborate toward change.

We came up with two concrete avenues for collaboration in the near future:

1) Planning early for the global climate march this September

2) Creating a collective calendar that notes local climate-related events