
The Ottawa Climate Action Fund (OCAF) is an initiative of the Ottawa Community Foundation and a proud member of the Low Carbon Cities Canada (LC3) network. The Ottawa Climate Action Fund (OCAF) exists to catalyze and scale low-carbon solutions to their full potential in Ottawa. They align this work with community benefit, bringing low-carbon initiatives, investments and people together to deliver tangible, lasting success. OCAF takes action using a variety of tools, including Grants: providing support to NGOs and researchers to analyze, develop and implement strategic initiatives to accelerate climate action and overcome barriers to scale-up

The LC3 network,  the Low Carbon Cities Canada (LC3), is a collaboration among seven local Centres in city regions that are home to 50% of Canadians, and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Green Municipal Fund. It was established thanks to an endowment from the Government of Canada. Low Carbon Cities Canada (LC3) is accelerating climate action by supporting cities in reaching their carbon emissions reduction potential and unlocking the national potential of the best local solutions. LC3 works with local municipalities and community partners to demonstrate, de-risk and scale up local climate solutions that both reduce key emissions sources and create valuable and equitable community benefits.

Building upon the Ottawa Climate Equity Initiative, OCAF is honored to have the opportunity to enhance our collective local efforts on climate equity and Reconciliation thanks to a $720,000 5-year grant from the McConnell Foundation (part of a broader $5 million investment in the LC3 network). These funds will enable OCAF to amplify granting, program and project work to advance priorities identified by equity-deserving groups that both reduce GHGs and enhance equity and Reconciliation. Climate equity opportunities include: affordable, net-zero, resilient housing; walkable, transit-oriented, 15 minute neighborhoods; affordable and convenient public transport and active transportation; and green jobs.

If you are interested in the program, please reach out to Rachel Hirsch in CORIS.