Please explain the mandate of your Center in lay terms. (Max 75 words)
Please provide complete information on the above reported funding related to your center's mandate and activities.
If applicable, please list the names of the post-secondary institutions that have partnered with your Center over the past year.
If applicable, please list the names of the public sector organizations that have partnered with your Center over the past year.
If applicable, please list the names of the private sector companies that have partnered with your Center over the past year.
If applicable, please list the names of the not-for-profit organizations that have partnered with your Center over the past year.
C. Outputs
Please upload a list of your Center’s research outputs over the past year and complete the quantitative information below.
Note: In addition to publication, you are encouraged to include:
1) outputs such as papers/reports, outreach events, workshops, invited talks, etc. and
2) metrics (if relevant and possible), such as number of participants, copies distributed, etc. Please don't include outputs in progress, but rather submitted or at any subsequent stage of publication.
Please list any other research outputs related to your Center's mandate and activities over this past year.
Note: Please include any other information that you may feel is relevant, such as metrics (ie number of participants, copies distributed, etc.). Max 250 words