Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) awards are open to all students in the natural sciences and engineering fields. Applications are particularly encouraged from Indigenous and Black student researchers. (Please click on the following link to determine CIHR project subject matter eligibility: Selecting the appropriate federal granting agency.)
Number of Awards: 52 as outlined in the Undergraduate Student Research Awards allocations web page
- Each faculty listed below has a number of available awards and its own selection process
- Students apply through the faculty where they request to hold their award (i.e. the Supervisor’s faculty, not necessarily the student’s)
- Please consult the table below for individual faculty deadlines, contact information and application requirements
* Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.
- Award Value
Award Value
For positions held between May 1 and August 31, 2025, the total value of the award ranges from:
- 14 weeks: minimum amount of $8,428.00
- 16 weeks: minimum amount of $9,632.00
- The minimum values correspond to minimum wage in Ontario
- Students will receive 4% vacation pay, as per the Ontario Employment Standards (ESA). (Students are not eligible for paid days off/vacation days.)
- The program makes no provisions for sick leave, or for other types of interruptions
- Should sick or vacation leave be incurred during the employment period, the student would just need to ensure they worked their total number of hours by their award end date
- Should a USRA be interrupted or terminated early for any reason, CORIS ( should be informed immediately. Positions may not be deferred.
- Duration of Awards
Duration of Awards
- The duration of the award is 14 to 16 weeks on a full-time basis (35 hours/week)
- USRA awards are tenable at any time during the year as permitted by your academic program and faculty, and agreed on by student and supervisor
- Students may be enrolled in a maximum of 1.0 credit during the tenure of the award, if special arrangements to make up the time have been made with the Supervisor (for courses scheduled during business hours).
- Over the summer, a maximum of 0.5 credit is allowed in early summer, and 0.5 credit in late summer
- Recipients are not permitted to do thesis research during the term of the award. It is permitted to use data acquired during a USRA as the basis of a thesis, provided registration in the thesis course starts after the USRA employment is completed.
- USRAs may be held during co-op placements
- Remote work is acceptable with supervision expected on a frequent basis. This must be agreed on between the student and the Supervisor
- Student Eligibility
ELIGIBLE Applicants
To be eligible to apply for an award, you must, as of the deadline date for applications at Carleton University:
- Be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or Protected Person under subsection (95)2 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada);
- Be registered in a bachelor’s degree program at an eligible institution;
- Have obtained, over the previous year(s) of study, a second class Overall CGPA. At Carleton, this translates into a B-/7.0
In addition…
- if you already hold a bachelor’s degree and are studying toward a second bachelor’s degree, you may still apply for this award
- you may hold only one (1) USRA per fiscal year (April 1 to March 31)
- you may hold a maximum of three (3) USRAs throughout their undergraduate career (regardless of agency)
You are NOT eligible to apply for a USRA if you:
- are currently enrolled in an undergraduate professional degree program in the health sciences (e.g., MD, DDS, BScN); or
- are currently registered or have previously been registered in a graduate program in the same field of study
- have completed all of your degree requirements by the deadline date for applications at Carleton University.
TO HOLD AN AWARD, you must:
- Have completed all the course requirements of at least the first year of university study of your bachelor’s degree
- Have been registered in at least one of the two terms immediately before holding the award, in a bachelor’s degree program: whether part- or full-time
- (Study abroad is permitted within this rule, provided the student was registered in a bachelor’s degree program)
- Not be registered in a graduate program
You may also find it helpful to review: Frequently asked questions about USRAs
- Supervisor Eligibility
Eligible Supervisors of USRA Students
Any faculty member who is authorized to supervise undergraduate students at Carleton in the relevant discipline is eligible to act as a supervisor. It is not necessary for the Supervisor’s research program to fall exclusively within the purview of the selected agency.
- Carleton Competition Results
Faculty Award Decisions
Each faculty will inform applicants of its award decisions after it has completed its selection process.
- Carleton Payment of Awards
Payment of Awards
NSERC pays the awards to Carleton University.
Successful candidates will receive payment from the university in accordance with its pay procedures (twice per month, on the following dates). Students who have not been employed by Carleton before will need to fill out an Online Employee Intake Form. Supervisors communicate their funding information to their faculty contact directly (FASS: Sarah Mohammed, FED: Tom Morrice, SCI: Maria Doria, or for SSHRC and CIHR-USRAs to Sarah Adams).
After completing the Online Employee Intake Form (if applicable), no further action is required by the student or the supervisor with regards to payroll. The university will issue a T4 or T4A slip (Statement of Income) at the end of the calendar year.
- NSERC USRA Supplements
Canadian Forest Sector Workforce Diversity undergraduate supplement
Note that NSERC recipients whose USRA research falls within an area of interest to Natural Resources Canada – Canadian Forest Service may be eligible for additional funding. This opportunity applies to the following subject codes:
- Forest engineering (1300)
- Environmental engineering (1500)
- Industrial engineering (1600)
- Chemical engineering (1800)
- Mechanical engineering (2100)
- Statistics and probability (3000)
- Geography (4100, 4150 and 4704)
- Remote sensing (4102)
- Soil sciences (4800)
- Plant and tree biology (4900)
- Biochemistry (5400)
Up to 30 supplements are available annually. Priority may be given to applicants who self-identify as Indigenous, women, visible minorities and/or person with disabilities.
If you are interested in being considered for this opportunity, please flag this by email to your faculty contact listed above.
Environment and Climate Change Canada Atmospheric and Meteorological undergraduate supplement
This USRA supplement provides financial support to high-caliber students working toward degrees in the atmospheric or meteorological sciences or related fields. Environment and Climate Change Canada offers up to 20 supplements annually.
To be considered for this supplement, you must prepare a brief explanation (maximum 300 words) describing how the proposed research during your USRA will contribute to the advancement of atmospheric or meteorological sciences. Send this explanation, along with a copy of your completed application for a USRA (form 202), a copy of your NSERC USRA letter of award, and your transcripts directly to Environment and Climate Change Canada by August 1.
*Note: This supplement is available to you only if you are awarded an Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA).
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