Refer a student to the Centre for Student Academic Support (CSAS) if they need help with:

  • Developing scheduling, organization, and time management skills
  • Learning efficient note-taking and academic reading skills
  • Developing writing strategies
  • Learning how to edit and proofread their papers
  • Exploring strategies to apply grammar effectively into academic writing
  • Reviewing general information about PASS
  • And more

If you would like to refer a student to the Centre for Student Academic Support (CSAS), please complete the referral form below, and we will contact the student within one to two business days to inform them of the support options available at CSAS.

Refer a Student to CSAS

Please note this form is intended for Faculty/Staff referrals only.

  • Student Information

  • Referral Source Information

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

Please watch for a confirmation email after submitting this form. If you do not receive a confirmation email after submitting the form, please refresh your page, clear your cache, and try submitting again. If you still do not receive an e-mail receipt after your submission, please contact us at regarding your referral.