Pan-Canadian Focus Group Workshop: Realistic and Credible Policy Advice for Canada’s Defence Review


On 8 August 2016, 34 academics, 14 students and 10 government participants were invited to Carleton University to engage in a defence review workshop funded by a grant from the DND’s Defence Engagement Program (DEP) and coordinated by the Conference of Defence Associations Institute, Queen’s Centre for International and Defence Policy and Carleton’s Centre for Security, Intelligence and Defence Studies. Participants were drawn from the former Security and Defence Forum (SDF)-funded centres, along with representatives from the Conference of Defence Associations (CDA and the CDA Institute (CDA Institute) and the Canadian Global Affairs Institute in a day-long workshop designed to examine four broad policy issues: the threat environment; the status of the Canadian Armed Forces; force readiness, and missions and allies.

Summary of Pan Canadian Defence Review Workshop Findings