Are you a graduate student who is: 

  • Looking for a Studio class for Summer 2022 with a practical component? 
  • Looking for an opportunity to gain professional experience in the museum industry? 
  • Interested in curating, exhibitions, or museums? 
  • Interested in participating in a seminar with students working in different fields to collaboratively curate an exhibition? 

If so, ICSLAC’s Graduate Diploma in Curatorial Studies has a limited number of spots for out-of-program students in the following Summer 2022 course: 

CURA 5002, Curatorial Studies Proseminar (0.5 credit)

Schedule: Tuesday 11:35 to 2:25 pm, May 10 to June 14 and July 5 to August 16

Instructor: Dr. Trina Cooper-Bolam

Method of delivery: in-person, not suitable for online students

In this hybrid seminar/studio course, students will explore a range of theory and practices used by curators to interpret traumatic history and memory, with an emphasis on testimony-oriented curatorial methods. In the seminar segment of the course, students will explore exhibitions reflecting curatorial strategies for reckoning with evidence, trauma, and vicarious memory. The readings, case studies, class discussion, site visits, and curator talks presented in the seminar will equip students with a curatorial repertoire that may be applied to the studio. This term, in collaboration with the Centre of Excellence on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (COE), students will explore ethics and strategies for reckoning with the narrativization, and scenarization of difficult knowledge, developing exhibition concepts on veterans’ experiences of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Examples of previous study course exhibition can be found here.

If you are interested, please register early as spots are limited. Pre-approval is required by emailing with your program and student ID number. Students will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.