“As a graduate student in STEM with an interest in museums and curatorial work, I found this career path received little attention in my home discipline compared to the prospects of academia, government research jobs, etc. But a science or natural history museum presents a unique interface between scientific knowledge, outreach and education, and public voices, and a graduate degree in a STEM field typically does not really help one fully appreciate work in such an environment.

The Graduate Diploma in Curatorial Studies presents an invaluable opportunity to learn about and engage in curatorial work. Under experienced and passionate instructors, students from a diverse array of disciplines can expect to learn together about what it means to be a curator, where different institutions (e.g., history museums, science centres) fit within society, and how to be aware of and approach real-world challenges like teaching difficult histories, creating effective learning environments, and addressing controversial topics. First-hand experience in exhibition design and the opportunity to interact with curators from local institutions in a professional capacity further provides an engaging learning experience.

Students who are interested in curatorial or other museum-related careers should strongly consider the Curatorial Studies program and explore this exciting, dynamic world.” – Connor Reid

“The program is enriching my critical curatorial competencies, and exposing me to relevant curatorial trends.” – Hilary Dow

“Great opportunity to hear from experts in the field of curating throughout Ottawa and further afield.” – Rebecca Semple

“This program has allowed me to work as a curatorial assistant at the Canadian War Museum and to really develop my theoretical knowledge which while continue to inform my curatorial practice.” – Sarafina Pagnotta

“The course explores the immense complexities and varieties involved in curating a museum, a gallery, or a place of historico-cultural significance.” – Heather Burton

“I appreciate that this program not only provides opportunities to discuss and examine curatorial studies in practice, but also introduces students to critical approaches to curation through course readings and guest speakers.” – Casey Grey