Practicum Request Form

Please complete this form if you are interested in a practicum placement for an upcoming term. This is for current Curatorial Studies diploma students only. As part of your program requirements, you must complete two practicum placements (registering in courses CURA 5011 and CURA 5012) at one or two host institutions. For each course, you must complete 144 hours. You will work with Dr. Peter Hodgins, Director of ICSLAC [] to secure your practicum placement, including completing all necessary forms. To read more about the practicum placement requirement, see here:

  • A Type 2 student is enrolled in the graduate diploma at the same time as a Masters or a PhD degree while a Type 3 student is enrolled only in the graduate diploma.
  • What is your anticipated final semester? Please provide both the term (Fall, Winter or Summer) and the year. You may wish to check your Time Limit on your student audit.
  • Please provide the term (Fall, Winter or Summer) and the year in which you would like your placement. Note that each practicum is 144 hours.
  • Please share your ideas about possible practicum placements, including potential host institutions or areas of interest. Let us know if you already have connections or specific ideas about possible opportunities and information about your goals and interests. You may wish to refer to our list of previous practicum partners on our website.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.