Student Declaration of Understanding and Agreement

Workplace Safety and Insurance Board or Private Insurance Coverage For Students on Program-Related Unpaid Placements

Student coverage while on unpaid placement: Note: Prior to the start of the unpaid placement, this Agreement must be completed AND submitted online by the student to indicate the Student Trainee’s acceptance of the unpaid work placement conditions.

The Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities provides Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) coverage for Student Trainees enrolled in an approved program at Carleton University and participating in unpaid work placements with employers who have WSIB coverage.

• The Ministry provides private insurance for Student Trainees and limited coverage for placements outside of Ontario (international or other Canadian jurisdictions).

• Carleton University has also arranged for private insurance coverage for students who attend placement opportunities that are not covered under either the WSIB or the Ministry’s private insurance.

• Students are advised to maintain insurance for extended health care benefits through the CUSA/GSA Student Health & Dental Plan or other group or private personal insurance plan. (

Please be advised that in the event of a workplace injury or disease where a claim is being made,Carleton University will be required to disclose personal information relating to the unpaid work placement and any WSIB claim or claim made through the Ministry’s private insurer.

    This placement applies to Graduate students registered in the Graduate Diploma in Curatorial Studies (Institute for Comparative Studies in Literature, Art and Culture, Carleton University) as part of their practicum course requirements. Please indicate whether the estimated number of hours covers a single course (either CURA 5011 or CURA 5012) or both (CURA 5011 and CURA 5012, taken consecutively over two academic terms).
  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
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