Brightspace Project Organization

DoE capstone project course is fully run on Brightspace. It contains project resources, report templates and project group organizations. All the projects are organized into groups, and all reports submissions will also be made inside Brightspace.

Work Timesheets

With dedicated academic schedule for the Capstone projects in the Fall and Winter term on a weekly basis, students groups are sure to find a common time to work on their project. Students will log their project activities and commitments in a dedicated worksheet to be maintained throughout the course of the project.

Project Design Review

A dedicated Capstone project event focusing on the design reviews in early winter will help students to gather feedback from a larger faculty group. It is the first big gathering involving all students and faculty members with live presentations in a relaxed social gathering.

Project Demonstrations

A dedicated social event with in-depth project presentations in front of student peers, faculty members and the general audience of Carleton university, is sure to be the biggest and the concluding event of the Capstone projects.

New Project Management

New requirements, revised technical reports, project organizations, updated timelines and event flow and streamlined performance evaluation criterions is sure to help maintain the project progress and maximize chance of project and individual success.