National Collaborators

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)

NRCan’s mandate is to develop policies and programs that enhance the contribution of the natural resources sector to the Canadian economy and improve the quality of life for all Canadians. 

Environment & Climate Change Canada (ECCC)

ECCC is responsible for coordinating environmental policies and programs, as well as preserving and enhancing the natural environment and renewable resources. One of the key ECCC’s mandates is the development and design of the proposed methane regulations to meet >75% reduction of oil and gas methane emissions below 2012 levels by 2030.

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)

NSERC supports university students in their advanced studies, promotes and supports discovery research, and fosters innovation by encouraging Canadian companies to participate and invest in postsecondary research projects.

National Research Council Canada (NRC)

The National Research Council (NRC) is the Government of Canada’s premier research organization supporting industrial innovation, advancement of knowledge, and technology development, and fulfilling government mandates.

Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada (PTAC)

PTAC is a industry-led, not-for-profit association dedicated to managing and facilitating innovation, cooperative research, technology advancement, demonstration, and implementation for a responsible Canadian hydrocarbon energy industry.

Past Collaborators