Carleton Vertical Flare Facility

The Vertical Flare Facility within the Energy & Emissions Research Laboratory at Carleton University, hosts a variety of controlled experiments applying advanced in- and post-flame optical diagnostics and sampling techniques to vertical flares operating under a wide range of conditions.

Designed to conduct quantitative experiments on lab-scale vertical flares up to 80mm in diameter with turbulent flames up to 3 meters tall, the facility is equipped with an advanced and unique experimental infrastructure, enabling a platform that supports a wide range of investigative research.

The facility is able to simulate flaring practices in a controlled environment through a series of advanced systems including: fuel mixing, fuel delivery, diffusion, combustion, exhaust and optical systems.

Capabilities and Technologies


Fuel systems:

  • Gas and liquid fuel delivery systems capable of realtime mixing and metering of 9 component fuel mixtures comprising C1-C7 hydrocarbon species plus CO2, N2

Gas- and particulate-phase sampling equipment:

  • Gas phase instruments and measurable species include:
    • Cavity ringdown gas analysis (CO2, CO, CH4, C2H6, C2H2, N2O)
    • Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) gas analyzers (multiple species)
    • Chemiluminescence Analyzer (NOx)
    • Gas chromatographs (Benzene, BTEX)
  • Particle analysis instruments including:
    • Thermo-optical, photoacoustic systems, and laser-induced incandescence (LII) systems

Flow Diagnostics

    • Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) systems