Mechanical engineering is one of the most versatile of the engineering disciplines. It applies science and engineering principles to the analysis, design, manufacture and maintenance of mechanical systems in vehicles, aircraft, heating and cooling systems, manufacturing and energy plants, machinery, medical devices and more. At Carleton University, we offer one of the most advanced programs in Canada, and teach our mechanical engineering students how to work effectively under a variety of conditions.

The Carleton Advantage

Carleton’s Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) degree program in Mechanical Engineering emphasizes engineering fundamentals and challenging laboratory and design work. Our graduates are well recognized for their skills and knowledge, as well as their ability to adapt to changing technologies. The BEng program in Mechanical Engineering offers:

  • comprehensive study in one of Canada’s largest mechanical engineering departments;
  • an emphasis on problem-solving skills and hands-on laboratory and design work;
  • excellent laboratory and computer facilities;
  • a unique and challenging final-year group design project;
  • excellent scholarships for high-standing students; and
  • collaborative design projects with government and other research institutes.

Our Laboratory and Research Facilities

At Carleton, you will benefit from:

Your Co-op Opportunities

As a student in the Mechanical Engineering program you will have the opportunity to apply to the Co-operative Education Program. Co-op integrates degree-related, paid work terms into your degree program. A minimum of four work terms are required to obtain the Co-op designation on your degree. Often, the four consecutive work terms following third year take place with the same employer.

Our program is closely associated with a wide range of private and public service employers seeking Mechanical Engineering candidates, giving students valuable work experience and contacts that will benefit them in the future.

The pattern of work and study terms for the co-op option is shown in the following table.

Calendar Year Fall Winter Summer
1 study term 1 study term 2
2 study term 3 study term 4 work term
3 study term 5 study term 6 work term
4 work term work term work term
5 study term 7 study term 8

Choosing the Right Program

The BEng program in Mechanical Engineering is fully accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board. When you graduate from the program, you will meet the educational requirements for registration as a professional engineer.

This program builds upon two fundamental areas: design and the engineering sciences. We place a major emphasis on design, dynamics, thermodynamics, solid mechanics, materials, fluid mechanics, control systems and robotics, and heat transfer. In addition, you can choose elective courses from a wide range of applied subjects—including noise control, energy conversion and power generation, manufacturing and production processes, aerodynamics and flight mechanics, vehicle engineering, spacecraft design, automatic controls, propulsion and biomedical engineering.

Course Structure

The courses of a typical Mechanical program are shown below.

Study Term 1 Study Term 2
Calculus for Engineering Students
[MATH 1004]
Linear Algebra for Engineering Students
[MATH 1104]
Computation and Programming
[ECOR 1041]
Chemistry for Engineering Students
[CHEM 1101]
[ECOR 1043]
Introductory Electromagnetism and Wave Motion [PHYS 1004]
[ECOR 1045]
Data Management
[ECOR 1042]
Visual Communication
[ECOR 1047]
[ECOR 1044]
Introduction to Engineering Disciplines I
[ECOR 1055]
[ECOR 1046]
Engineering Profession
[ECOR 1057]
[ECOR 1048]
Basic Science Elective Introduction to Engineering Disciplines II
[ECOR 1056]
Complementary Studies Elective
Study Term 3 Study Term 4
Differential Equations and Infinite Series for Engineering Students [MATH 1005] Multivariable Calculus for Engineering Students [MATH 2004]
Engineering Dynamics 
[MAAE 2101]
Engineering Graphical Design 
[MAAE 2001]
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
[MAAE 2400]
Mechanics of Solids I
[MAAE 2202]
Engineering Materials
[MAAE 2700]
Fluid Mechanics I
[MAAE 2300]
Design and Analysis of Engineering Experiments [ECOR 2050] Electrical Engineering
[ELEC 3605]
Study Term 5 Study Term 6
Mathematical Methods I
[MATH 3705]
Machine Design & Practice
[MECH 3002]
Mechanics of Solids II 
[MAAE 3202]
Dynamics of Machinery 
[MAAE 3004]
Fluid Mechanics II
[MAAE 3300]
Applied Thermodynamics 
[MAAE 3400]
Systems & Simulation
[SYSC 3600]
Feedback Control Systems 
[MAAE 3500]
Communication Skills for Engineering Students [CCDP 2100] Principals of Manufacturing
[MECH 3700]
Engineering Economics
[ECOR 3800]
Engineering Portfolio
[ECOR 2995]
Study Term 7 Study Term 8
Engineering Design Project
[MAE 4907]
Mechanical Systems Design
[MECH 4003]
Complementary Studies Elective
Heat Transfer
[MECH 4406]
Engineering Elective
Materials: Strength & Fracture 
[MAAE 4102]
Engineering Elective
Professional Practice
[ECOR 4995]
Engineering Elective
Engineering Elective

Note: As study terms and courses offered may vary, please refer to the Carleton University Undergraduate Calendar for specific program requirements.

Your Future Opportunities

As a graduate of the Mechanical Engineering degree program, you will be well prepared for challenging positions in the manufacturing industry, energy utilities, government and industry laboratories, building services and plant engineering, the transportation industry and a wide variety of consulting engineering firms.

Admission Requirements

For admission to the Mechanical Engineering program, you must have an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent, including a minimum of six 4U/M courses.

Your six courses must include four prerequisite courses:

  • Advanced Functions
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • One of the following:
    • Calculus and Vectors (strongly recommended for applicants to all engineering programs)
    • Biology
    • Earth and Space Science

Although it is not an admission requirement, at least one 4U course in either English or French is recommended. Equivalent courses may be substituted at the appropriate 4U level.

Since the number of qualified applicants may be greater than the number of available spaces, cut-off averages and required marks may vary.


If you are from outside Ontario, or outside Canada, please visit Carleton’s Undergraduate Admissions website for details on your specific program’s requirements.

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