Amanda Cannella
Degrees: | M.A. (Trent University), B.A. (Queen’s University) |
autoethnography; autotheory; biomedicalization; biopolitics; the body; care politics; comics; chronic illness; chronic pain; creative nonfiction; disability theory; drawn dissertations; ethics; graphic literature; graphic medicine; health humanities; illness narratives; pedagogy; sick lit; rhetoric analysis.
My doctoral research analyzes graphic illness narratives and narrative medical models as unwitting technologies of biomedicine. My body of scholarly-creative work takes as its subject matter the experience of chronic pain, and in so doing, it contests the biomedical representation and clinical “care” of those who are in pain.
– “The Patient’s Game.” Health Professions and Comics: An Interprofessional Guide to Graphic Medicine. With Gianna Paniagua. Edited by Brian Callender and Kathryn West, Penn State UP, forthcoming.
– “Moments of Metagnosis: Illness Narratives in Contemporary Pathographic Memoirs.” Comics and Life: Illustration, Intersections, and Insights. Edited by Abhilasha Gusain, Routledge, forthcoming.
– “Practically Magic: Playing Through the Pain in the Third Space.” Graphic Medicine Conference, Athlone, Ireland, 16–18 July 2024.
– “The Neglected Curriculum of Chronic Pain: Illness Narratives as Graphic Media.” Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English, York University, Toronto, ON. May 2023.
– “Ecocriticism and Graphic Medicine Prioritizing Crip Futurities.” Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English, McGill University, Montreal, QC. June 2024. (Conference cancelled)
– Research Assistant (for Lisa Boucher, Department of Gender & Social Justice), “Promising Outcomes in Troubling Times: Neoliberal Restructuring and Organizational Resilience,” SSHRC Project, Trent University
– Workshop Facilitator (for Nicole Dalmer, Postdoctoral Fellow), “Learning About Your Digital Rights in the Digital Age: A Hands-on Workshop Series for Older Adults in Peterborough,” SSHRC Project, Trent University
– Co-instructor, ENGL2900 Literature of the Self: Illness Narratives. Carleton University, with Dr. Stuart J. Murray. Fall 2024.
– Co-Founder, Carleton Book Arts Society, Carleton University, 2023
Social Media Co-Ordinator, 2024-2025
Vice President Finance, 2023-2024
– Student Member, Disability Justice and Crip Culture Collaboratory, Carleton University
Co-Chair, Research Committee 2023-2024
– Beattie-Haines Graduate Scholarship, Carleton University (2022)
– Gordon J. Wood Graduate Scholarship, Carleton University (2022)
– Trent University Public Texts Graduate Prize, Trent University (2022)
– Roebuck Street Mural Artist Honorarium, Town of Whitby (2022)
– Curriculum of Merit Award in Visual Art, Queen’s University (2010)