Courses for 2024-2025

EPAF 5100: Supervised Research Tutorial.
On a particular public issue, students identify ethical concerns and a range of evidence-based and values-based arguments for alternative policy options, assessing the comparative strength of those arguments. Prerequisite(s): EPAF 6100.

EPAF 5500: Practicum.
Students gain experience doing ethics-related work in government, business, civil society, or consulting. Students report on their work as required, and their performance is graded satisfactory or unsatisfactory.

EPAF 5800: Workshop
Archived 2024-2025 Workshop Schedule
This workshop provides opportunities for gaining practical knowledge about academic and professional work in ethics and public affairs, through sharing experience among new students, advanced students, faculty, and guest speakers. Continued registration in each year of the EPAF programs is recommended but not required.

EPAF 6000: Ethical Concerns in Public Affairs
A tutorial in which students identify the range of ethical concerns raised by a particular public issue chosen by the student. Prerequisite(s): enrolment in the Ph.D. Ethics and Public Affairs program.

EPAF 6100: Public Reason I
Alternative approaches to inequalities in Canada will be evaluated within different standards and frameworks of public justification. Which inequalities matter, and why?

EPAF 6200: Public Reason II
How can/should public reasoning apply to Issues concerning labour in the global context?

EPAF 6600: Theory Examination
Ph.D. comprehensive examination on main works and approaches in ethics and political philosophy.

EPAF 6700: Area Examination
Ph.D. comprehensive examination on main works and approaches concerning the public issue on which the student wishes to conduct dissertation research, including relevant social science, ethics, and political philosophy.

EPAF 6909: Ph.D. Thesis