Visiting Scholars

Doctoral or postdoctoral researchers from outside Canada can conduct their research in conjunction with EPAF faculty or seminars for one or two terms. Applications will be received until January 15 of each year, for either:

  • Affiliating with an EPAF faculty member, to do research closely related to their current research; or
  • Affiliating with the program, which entails participating (not for credit) in EPAF 5000, EPAF 6000, EPAF 6100, and/or EPAF 6200 for the duration of the visit. Research consultation is provided through EPAF 6000 and by consultation with other faculty.

A letter of application, accompanied by a c.v., should be sent to the Program Director. Successful applicants will be issued a letter of invitation which can be used to obtain a visa. Tuition fees do not apply, but the program does not provide funding for living costs; therefore, applicants need to secure either international or home-country funding.