Faten Kikano

Associate Researcher / Board Member

Degrees:Ph.D. (Université de Montréal)
Office:Architects Sans Frontières/CÉRSÉ (Centre d’étude en responsabilité sociale et
écocitoyenneté), Quebec

Dr. Faten Kikano is an associate researcher in l’Observatoire Canadien sur les Crises et l’Action Humanitaires (OCCAH) and a board member of Architecture Sans Frontières International, where she leads the migration and disasters working groups. She is presently developing projects on climate change adaptation, homelessness, and urban vulnerability in Montreal in Le Cérsé, a research center that focuses on socioecological transition. Her lifetime vocation is to develop effective policies that will advance social and spatial justice for the underprivileged.

Panel 1: Forced Displacement Across Borders

A Change of Paradigm: When Borders Become Hospitable


During the last decades, hosting policies for the forcibly displaced have mostly been based on segregation and exclusion. In contrast, the response for the recent displacement of millions from Ukraine is welcoming and inclusive. Borders are hospitable. Governments, UN agencies, non-profit organizations, civil society, and host communities are gathering efforts to ease the experience of “refugeeness” for Ukraine nationals. This presentation draws a parallel between policies adopted for hosting non-white refugees in Europe and the MENA region and strategies implemented to host refugees from Ukraine. The comparative approach aims at highlighting common and contrasting patterns in 1) the preparedness of host states, 2) the roles of different stakeholders, 3) the assistance offered to refugees in housing, employment, health, education, and other services, 4) the impact of refugees’ influx on the capacity of state systems and services, and 5) refugees’ resilience, taking into consideration the unevenness in their visibility and their socioeconomic conditions.