Jennifer Hyndman

Professor / Associate Vice-President of Research and Innovation

Degrees:Ph.D. (University of British Columbia)
Office:York University, Toronto, Canada

Dr. Jennifer Hyndman is a Professor and currently serves as Associate Vice-President of Research and Innovation. She is also the Past Director of the Centre for Refugee Studies at York University. Hyndman’s research traverses political, economic, cultural, and feminist dimensions of migration, focusing on people’s mobility, displacement, and security. Her scholarship is particularly concerned with the dynamics of conflict and disaster that create refugees and internally displaced persons, as well as international humanitarian responses to such crises. Current research projects probe: a) how private refugee sponsorship is sustained over time in Canadian communities; 2) the motivations of sponsors and the meanings they attach to the work they do, with A. Macklin (P.I.) and other coinvestigators; and 3) the social determinants of well-being and integration of Syrians who came after November 2015, with M. Hynie (P.I.) and others in BC, Ontario, and Quebec.

Panel 4: Canada and Assistance to Ukrainians in Perspective

Canadian State and Civil Society’s Motivations for Recent Special Streams of Refugee Resettlement


Building on the notion of diaspora geopolitics and the political and social networks at traverse borders and war zones, this presentation explores Canadian state and civil society’s motivations for recent special streams of refugee resettlement. The federal election of 2015 played out around the Syrian refugee challenge with political pledges from all parties and the subsequent urgency introduced by a toddler’s death on the Mediterranean. In 2021, pathways were opened up for Afghans at risk when the sudden US withdrawal from Afghanistan left many people in a precarious situation. In 2022, Canada offered an unprecedented and unrestricted welcome to all Ukrainians who sought safety, if on a temporary basis. Whose wars and which diasporas are missing from these special humanitarian operations?