Jennifer Wystrand

Assistant Teaching Professor

Degrees:Ph.D. (Washington University in St. Louis), MA (Washington University in St. Louis)
Office:Miami University, Oxford, OH, USA

Dr. Jennifer Wistrand is a cultural anthropologist. Her primary research interests are migration and forced displacement in the former Soviet Caucasus and Central Asia. She has conducted fieldwork in Azerbaijan. Dr. Wistrand’s publications include: Displacement and Belonging in Eurasia (forthcoming) in Central Asia: Contexts for Understanding; Civics Education and Democracy Building in Azerbaijan: A Missed Opportunity? (2020) in European Education; Demography of the Caucasus” with Edward Holland (2020) in Routledge Handbook of the Caucasus; “Social Consequences of Seasonal Labour Migration: A Case Study from Rural Azerbaijan (2017) in Post-Soviet Migration and Diasporas: From Global Perspectives to Everyday Practices; and “Azerbaijan and ‘Tolerant Muslims'” (2012) in the Caucasus. Dr. Wistrand teaches ITS 201 Introduction to International Studies and ITS 202 Problem-Solving in International Studies. She has also taught courses on migration, refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs), international development, and the former Soviet Caucasus and Central Asia.

Panel 5: Displacement in Eurasia: Beyond Ukrainians

Implications of the Conflict in Ukraine for Eurasia’s Migrants and Displaced People: Competition Among the Displaced?


Against the backdrop of the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine (February-Present 2022), and the most recent conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh (September-November 2020), this paper seeks to examine the potential competition among the displaced that can result when conflicts with overlapping actors take place. Since the breakup of the Soviet Union in December 1991, and the first conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh (1992-1994), which resulted in Armenia’s capture of Nagorno-Karabakh and part of seven adjacent Azerbaijani regions, the government of Armenia has been encouraging ethnic Armenians to move to Nagorno-Karabakh. Following Azerbaijan’s re-capture of significant parts of Nagorno-Karabakh in Fall 2020, however, large numbers of ethnic Armenians who had settled in Nagorno-Karabakh in the 1990s fled the region for Armenia proper. Likewise, since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in Winter 2022, some Russians from Russia have sought temporary, and perhaps permanent, refuge in Armenia, as well as other former Soviet states like Georgia. Given the large number of Armenians who left Nagorno-Karabakh over the Conflict, Russian newcomers may increase internal socio-economic competition.