NEW! Per diems can now be used for both research and non-research (i.e. operating) related funds … you now have the option to claim a daily meal allowance in the Travel and Expense Reimbursement system.  If you choose this option, you no longer have to keep and submit individual meal receipts.  In place of receipts, you will have to submit documentation outlining which meals are included as part of a conference or trip.  This could include a conference agenda or an agenda from a travel agent.  Please note that you cannot claim per diems for meals that are included in the conference or trip. 

Direct non-research related questions to accounts payable at extension 3627.  As always, direct research related questions to your research fund administrator.

Tip highlights:

·         You can now use per diems for non-research related funds.  No receipts!

·         In the place of receipts, you must submit documentation outlining which meals are included as part of a conference or trip.

You still have the option to keep and claim individual meal receipts.