eShop’s new honorarium form can be used to pay honorariums when a third-party individual has volunteered in some capacity (e.g. made a presentation) as a favour with no expectation of compensation.

When assessing whether a payment is considered an honorarium, remember that honorarium payments:

  • Are nominal and not reflective of the market value of the services being performed.
  • Are made to an individual (not a business!) for voluntary services for which fees are not legally or traditionally required.
  • Are made on a one-time or non-routine basis to an individual as a “thank you”.
  • Do not involve an invoice or negotiation of the amount.
  • Are not made to Carleton employees, professional speakers, or consultants who perform the requested service for a living.

When completing the honorarium form in eShop, remember that:

  • Each of the honorarium criteria listed in the “Honorarium Payments to Individuals” section must be selected to confirm the validity of the payment as an honorarium.
  • Supporting documentation must be attached. Examples include event advertisements, departmental memos, and event agendas.
  • Supporting documentation should include the person’s legal name, home address, e-mail address, amount offered, and context of the event.
  • The individual’s Social Insurance Number (SIN) should never be recorded in eShop or e-mails. The SIN can be provided by phone to Accounts Payable (extension 1524).

More information: