What is it?

A Per Diem is an allowance for meals or incidentals provisioned specifically when an individual is authorized to travel on behalf of Carleton University. Meals for the traveller will be reimbursed at the per diem rate only. Receipts are not required to be submitted.

Per diems cannot be claimed when meals are included in the price of another expense, such as a conference or flight, however travellers may request a per diem in place of a provided meal if they provide the reasons for incurring the additional expense (e.g. food intolerance).


The Travel and Related Expense policy provides guidance on expenditures incurred for authorized travel and sets out conditions under which these expenditures will be reimbursed. As a public institution, the University’s policies must ensure that all expenditures are in accordance with applicable legislation, such as the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act (BPSAA) and Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), as well as funding agency requirements.

Where do I find more information?

Carleton University uses per diem rates as prescribed by the National Joint Council.  While the National Joint Council may update their per diem rates throughout the year, Carleton updates rates once a year on July 1st. While per diem rates are automated in SAP Concur, a searchable PDF is also available.