What is it?

A Per Diem is an allowance for meals or incidentals provisioned specifically when an individual is travelling for business purposes on behalf of Carleton University.

Per diems may only be claimed for meals not provided by other means while travelling, (e.g. meals on flights, breakfast included in hotel bookings, or meals included with conference registration fees). The per diem rate posted is a maximum value, travellers are permitted to claim a lesser per diem than stipulated.

Why is it important?

Even if a meal receipt is provided, the University will only reimburse up to the maximum amount of the per diem.

Where do I find more information?

Unless specific rates and guidelines for the use of per diems are provided by a funding agency for research purposes, the current rates may be found on theĀ National Joint Council website. Consult Appendix C for travel within Canada and the United States, or Appendix D for travel to another country.