What is it?

Sustainable Procurement refers to the process of acquiring goods and services in a way that considers the social, economic, and environmental impact of the procurement process. Sustainable Procurement aims to ensure that the procurement process is not only cost-effective but also socially responsible and environmentally sustainable.

Why is it important?

A disciplined approach to sustainable procurement depends on dedicated participants who consider the right balance of environmental, societal and economic considerations in each procurement activity. This requires a careful and thorough evaluation of procurement requirements while also exploring opportunities that are environmentally responsible and promote “healthy communities”. Individuals participating in a university procurement will give appropriate consideration in the evaluation process to those goods, services and vendors that reflect a commitment to sustainability or a broader social responsibility, including but not limited to life-cycle costs, reusable or recycled goods, energy consumption in production and distribution, diverse vendors, fair trade products certified by Fairtrade International and the Small Producer Symbol (SPP) and demonstrated community impact measurement.

Where do I find more information?

For more information, email ProcurementServices@carleton.ca.