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CFP! Coming Up Together 2018: Conference on ending and preventing youth homelessness

Coming Up Together: Towards Ending and Preventing Youth Homelessness in Ontario, Canada and Beyond

Call for proposals deadline: May 01, 2017

We are seeking proposals for panels, papers and workshops from researchers and proposals for presentations and workshops from community service providers addressing their work to support homeless youth.

Collaborations between youth, community service providers and researchers are encouraged. Proposals from communities outside of major Canadian cities are also encouraged. Please visit to submit a proposal.

Topics could include (but are not restricted to): Housing as a human right, Indigenous youth experiences, LGBTQ youth, newcomer youth, gender, hidden homelessness, youth activism, aging out of youth services, policy, Housing First, Harm Reduction, poverty reduction, mental health care, constructing the problem of youth homelessness, measuring youth homelessness, homelessness prevention, community planning, housing stock, the cost of youth homelessness, the role of community institutions (schools, hospitals, etc…) and education/employment.

About the Conference

We invite you to Ottawa, Canada’s capital, for a collaborative three-day exchange of ideas between diverse change makers that will advance the agenda of ending youth homelessness in Ontario, Canada, and across the globe. Youth, community service providers, researchers and policy experts will meet to share their experiences and perspectives on creating systemic solutions to youth homelessness, ranging from immediate interventions to preventative strategies designed to stop homelessness before it begins. We believe that all young people have the right to be safely housed and to have the appropriate supports in place that allow them to thrive. Our goal with this conference is to build upon and accelerate the current momentum for ending and preventing youth homelessness in Ontario, Canada and beyond.

Submission Submit your proposal online at


Twitter @CominUpTogether
