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CU in the City – Nature and the Happy Path to Sustainability

When: Thursday, November 8, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

Where: Happy Goat Coffee, 35 Rue Laurel St 6:30 p.m.

Light refreshments will be served.

Dr. John Zelenski Professor, Department of Psychology
Dr. John Zelenski Professor, Department of Psychology

Ottawa has a fortunate location with many public green spaces, urban parks, and rivers. Although we sometimes overlook it, this ‘nearby nature’ can be a source of well-being for individuals and the broader community. I will describe recent research, conducted by the Carleton University Happiness Lab and researchers around the world, on the potential benefits of nature. These include positive emotions, prosocial behaviour, health, and restoration from stress and mental fatigue. Beyond time actually spent in nature, developing a subjective sense of connection with the natural world is associated with many of the same desirable outcomes, and motivation to behave sustainably. I will consider some of the small things we can do to incorporate nature into daily life, with the goal of making happier people and a healthier community and planet.

The aim of CU in the City is to share FASS research with the community by holding research talks across Ottawa. The CU in the City series will provide opportunities for FASS faculty and students to interact with one another off campus as well as strengthen ties between FASS and the general public.

Any questions? Please contact SarahQuirt@Cunet.Carleton.Ca