History Professor Selected to be Une Professeure Invitée at l’Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle (Paris 3) in 2019

Professor in the Department of History Audra A. Diptee will be holding the post of Professeure Invitée at the Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle in Paris (January – April, 2019). While there, she will be undertaking archival research, working on her next manuscript, as well as continuing work on a collaborative project with colleagues at the Centre International de recherches sur les esclavages (CIRESC).
She has been invited to give research presentations at both CIRESC and the Atelier des études tranationales (ADET) in which she will be discussing early ideas on her current project. Her presentation will be entitled “Imaginer l’horizon des pays du Sud sous l’angle de l’histoire, de la mémoire et du pouvoir.”
While in Paris she will be offering a graduate seminar at the Institut des hautes études de l’Amérique latine (IHEAL) that addresses themes related to race, colonialism, and imperialism in Caribbean contexts.
“This is a truly wonderful opportunity,” said Diptee.
“I am looking forward to engaging with scholars and graduate students at the Université de Sorbonne-Nouvelle as I advance work on my current project.
“Being a Professeure Invitée at l’Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle provides me with precisely the environment I need to develop my ideas on building Caribbean ‘counter archives’ in response to the ways in which power shapes knowledge production, historicity, and memory.
This is not Diptee’s first significant honour in recent years. In 2018, Professor Diptee also won a prestigious Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Centre Residency Fellowship.
For more on Prof. Diptee’s work see http://www.audradiptee.com/.