FASS Undergraduate Research Day Event on Healthy Cities
In light of recent health concerns, FASS Undergraduate Research Day has been postponed. This event will be rescheduled at a later date.
For more information on COVID-19: https://newsroom.carleton.ca/coronavirus-covid-19/

FASS Undergraduate Research Day
When: Monday, March 23, 3:30 – 6:30 p.m. at the Carleton Dominion-Chalmers Centre
Do you have a research or presentation topic related to Healthy Cities? (e.g., Sustainability in the City; Mental Health in the City; Youth in the City; Aging in the City; History and the City; Transportation in the City; Architecture in the City; Art in the City; Indigeneity in the City; Gender and the City; Race in the City; etc).
Come and share your research with your peers, your professors and the Ottawa community.
Schedule for the afternoon:
- 3:30-4:30pm. Two classes of first year seminar (Tonya Davidson – The Sociology of Ottawa; Chris Webb – Social Justice in the City) students will present their posters in Woodside Hall
- 4:30-5pm. Individual student presentations (5 minutes each). Students from Anthropology, Geography, Environmental Studies, English, Psychology and PAPM
- 5:15-5:45pm. Key note by Dr. Daniel Buckles, Carleton adjunct professor and expert in Participatory Action Research
- 5:45-6:30pm ReceptionAll FASS students and faculty are welcome to attend any or all of the events. Please let us know you are attending this event by registering below.