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These grants are designed to support the development of research programs by newer faculty in FASS. Awardees will be required to use the funds to prepare and submit a formal application as the Principal Investigator (Applicant) for a major external grant, preferably to a Tri-Agency (SSHRC, NSERC, or CIHR) program, within two years of receiving the Award.

Value and Duration

Award winners will be recognized at the annual FASS vin d'honneur celebration.


At the time of application, applicants:

Previous ECRA awardees are ineligible, as are current and previous holders of Tri-Agency grants or other major external awards.

Awardees of the FASS ECRA are not eligible to hold simultaneously an internal CU Research Development Grant administered by the Office of the Vice-President (Research and International).


All ECRA expenditures must comply with the Tri-Agency Guide on Financial Administration and cannot be used to fund teaching releases.

All ECRA awards will be made with the strict condition that the awardee must apply for substantial external research funding, preferably to a Tri-Agency program, within two years of the ECRA’s start date. The ECRA awardee must be the Principal Investigator (Applicant) on the external application which, if successful, must be administered by Carleton University.

If your application is funded and your work involves human subjects, you must obtain ethics approval from the relevant Board prior to commencing those activities.

Resources, Application Process, and Evaluation Criteria


The program is modelled on the SSHRC Insight Development Grant (IDG), which is the external grant most commonly applied for by ECRA awardees.

Applicants are encouraged to consult with their Faculty Research Facilitator on proposal development, and to seek feedback from at least one colleague during the preparation of the proposal.

Further resources include:

Application Process

The application consists of two components:

Evaluation Criteria

The following criteria and scoring scheme are used to evaluate the applications:

Application Components

Summary of proposal (0.5 pages)

Provide a summary of your research proposal in clear, plain, non-technical language understandable to scholars with varied areas of expertise. Clearly indicate:

Roles, responsibilities, and the training of students (0.5 pages)

Describe the proportion of your time to be spent on this project in relation to any other ongoing research projects or programs (excluding prospective grants).

Describe the specific roles and responsibilities of students and research assistants, and indicate the duties, especially with respect to research, that they will be undertaking, as well as how these will complement their academic training.

Knowledge mobilization, outcomes, and audiences (0.5 pages)


Funds requested and justification (1 page)

Estimate the costs you are asking the ECRA to fund. For each entry, justify all budget costs in terms of the needs of the project.

Detailed description (1.5 pages)


Briefly state the explicit objectives of your proposed research.



Timelines (1 page)

Describe the timelines for conducting the proposed project within the 24-month funded period of the ECRA. Include the drafting and submission of an external funding application, preferably to a Tri-Agency program (SSHRC, NSERC, or CIHR).

List of references (1 page)

CV (no page limit)

Please use the FASS CV Instructions and FASS CV Template, found here.

Award Winners

View Past Award Winners

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Carleton University
330 Paterson Hall
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, ON, K1S 5B6
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Phone: 613-520-2355